The Closing Stage of Capitalism
(Essay of Heuristic Modeling)




Part 1. Introduction

Part 2. Pax Americana

Part 3. Lenin's theory of Imperialism

Part 4. Marx and The Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall

Part 5. Types of surplus value according to Marx. Additional surplus value

Part 6. World Socialist System

Part 7. Stages of accumulation and domination of capital. Absolute domination of capital

Part 8. Mondialism as a special stage of capitalism

Part 9. Laws of capitalist formation and state character of capitalism in the stage of mondialism

Part 10. Logic of capitalism and Modes of capitalist expansion

Part 11. Illusions of capitalism

Part 12. Social asymptote of absolute domination of capital

Part 13. Theology of capital

Part 14. Disintegration of capitalism

Part 15. Termination code of capitalist system

Part 16. Russia

Part 17. Chekizm - paramilitary masonry

Part 18. Prospect

Part 19. Reformism






In this work I am trying to restore positions of Marxism as fundamental theory of Society which were unfixed with seeming triumph of capitalism after collapse of the USSR and Socialist system.

To explain complex of phenomena congested for the 2-nd half of XX and the beginning of XXI centuries it is introduced new stage of capitalist formation Mondialism (one world political and economic system). Following to Imperialist stage, just that one, on opinion of the author, is closing stage of evolution of capitalism.

In this work there have been formulated specific features and classified contradictions and driving forces of mondialist stage, expressed character of transformation of formation laws of capitalism (laws of value, of surplus value, of capitalist accumulation and of population, of the depressing tendency of profit rate).

On the ground of analysis of process of production of surplus value and stages of domination of capital appropriate Marxs classifications are supplemented, namely key for mondialist stage notions of additional surplus value and absolute domination of capital are introduced.

Consideration of the problem of realization of surplus value allows to understand essential character of capitalist expansionism and to classify modes of this expansion (intensive, extensive of I and II kind).

Order of illusions, with which capitalism masks its nature, is described.

There is consideration of problems of the Socialism and sources of the win of capitalism in the Cold war, namely realization of alternative to the world revolution scenario of absolute domination of capital based on extensive expansion of the 2nd kind.

Phenomenon of the secret services influence on society is described what allows to find termination code of capitalist system.

Going beyond dialectics of capitalism, entirely captured the attention of Karl Marx, author is trying to understand ontology of capital.

Here is considered world historic role of Russia as civilization successor but not prolongator of the West. Destination of Russia is to offer alternative world and social order for humankind. To meet this goal Russia has all required resources, namely material, human and in particularly experience of socialist experiment.

In conclusion author considered prospects of stabilization of present world capitalist system.



Part 1




In this work I consider questions of survival of the capitalist system and how it wins the USSR and Socialism, of historical prospect of capitalism and inwrought questions of the future of Russian reforms and Russian society that was formed in the last decade.

My goal was also to propose my way to develop Marxism applicable to modernity by continuation of started by Lenin periodization of capitalist social and economic formation which now is transformed so deep as it is already not allowed to position it within the Imperialistic stage.

For Western and Russian liberal researchers answer to the first question is obvious. It is a absolute military and economic superiority of the West and in the first place of the USA, and historical fallibility of the Socialism.

For example, president G. Bush stated in 1992 that "having no seen positive prospects in rivalry with unexcelled economic and military power of the USA, Soviet leaders had no choice other than to deny communism and to allow empire to collapse". In opinion of Ch. Feirbanks "nature of beast itself" contained internal weakness inside which "becomes apparent under stretching".

It should seem that common opinion of the Western liberal economy superiority over Soviet planning system was confirmed in the final of their historical confrontation.

But the result of the Cold war is just interlude in the historical evolution of capitalism.

Today much more important matter is more and more distinctly developing crash of modernization of non-Western world. According to UN more than half of the world community members can't maintain their sovereignty, security and minimal standard of living for their citizens. Isn't that the reason of destabilization of the system of international relations that appears on surface as international terrorism?

And I suppose we can not refer to reproduction of backwardness that is imputed to various countries and regions.

During half a century before liberal reforms Russia demonstrated high rate of growth and built developed industrial civilization. But here we have the same problems despite availability of manufacturing capacity, high technologies, raw material resources, skilled labour, managerial and engineering staff, fundamental science and education.

In order to understand the nature of processes of the end of 20 century we should deny to consider them as localized in the rival countries what often leads to derived from their rivalry but unwarranted approaches to compare their economies either as whole or regarding businesses and industries.

But both USA and USSR was constitutional components of two global systems, capitalistic and socialistic, organizers and subjects of two modes of globalization and only this way to consider their struggle and its final seems to be correct. Overdoing this approach we could say that both superpowers was just pseudo-entities, sort of bunches of fields of interactions produced by global processes which are basic point of analysis in actual fact.

Following the Bzhezinsky's metaphor we can conceive the world of the Cold war as playing board on which two Grand Masters realized complex game and each of them had its own architecture of its part of the board which  determined available options and rules.


Part 2

Pax Americana

The foundations of American global domination were established by President Roosevelt who implemented the policy of preservation of the capitalist system by subduing its most acute and destructive contradictions. This goal was achieved by transformation of the American dollar into international currency, allowing by means of dollar expansion to channel the crises outside, leaving inside only periodic oscillations of business activity. At the same time the world dollar supply was growing faster than the American economy and gold reserves were doing and as President Nixon cancelled the golden standard in 1973, American currency lost its material coverage. 

Thus conditions for unlimited growth of global dollar pyramid and global financial crisis, inevitable in consequence of its collapse, was arisen.

But architects of this system was too confident and supposed they could always hold control the situation.

In order to this system could work, it was necessary to establish dollar as world store of value (wealth), money to keep and save personal savings and reserve funds of central banks. It allows to immobilize outside America huge amount of dollars, whose commodity equivalent enriches American people and corporations and creates attracting for all world show of the American living, which under such conditions didn't result to corresponding inflation.  

Two factors blocked this policy: gold as competitor of dollar for international currency status and internal economic problems of the United States itself. The first problem was solved by the depreciation of gold economic policy and strong propaganda representing the role of gold as archaic and irrational phenomenon. The second one was much more difficult. It is deficit of the balance of trade of the USA with exporting countries, in the first place Japan and now China. For last decades of the XX century multinational corporations have been transferring manufacturing capacity from the USA to countries with less manufacturing costs to achieve more profitability.

So the American export falls but import grows what results to tendency to depreciation of the American dollar and could destroy its attraction as store of value. To peg its exchange rate keeping its status and to immobilize it in quantities adequate to the American consumption level another pyramid was launched. That was debt pyramid. Astronomic growth of national debt arises at the same period. And this is not coincidence. To keep stable dollar exchange rate it was necessary to compensate deficit of the balance of trade by flow of capital from outside, which must be exchanged into the American dollars to be invested in the American assets what results to growing demand on the American dollars and - thus - upward trend. Simultaneously, pyramid of the American debt, in the first place of the national debt which is already more than gross domestic product of the USA, allows to absorb dollar mass received by exporters for their goods realized on the American market.

So it is obvious, that critical factor of this system is permanent influx of capital from outside, invested in the American securities and other values.

To provide large-scale and permanent capital inflow into the USA with their - as it was mentioned above - less profitable production, they realized strategy of "export of instability" destabilizing all other countries and regions of the Globe where possible what automatically turn America into best place to invest from standpoint of safety and security, so dollar gets privileged position relatively any local assets. This, essentially infernal policy was systematically pursued by the USA for all second half of the XX century. "Organization of coalition for International Court" stated: "For the last 50 years passed by Tokyo and Nuhrnberg Tribunals 250 conflicts resulted to 86 millions people was killed and more than 170 millions lost their rights, property and honour".

Let us consider from this viewpoint political organization of the American global empire.

To achieve its economical goals the American system realized:

It seems just the last factor is responsible for  extinction of famous "melting pot" and transition of the American society to the policy of multiculturalism.

This policy turn the American dollar into global currency and let the USA comes at labour and resources of all world or to be correct of non-socialist part of the world. So the USA gets by way of such Dollar (actually nominated in dollars unlimited credit resources) ram of incredible power overcoming all strategic advantages of the USSR including wide spread of country, resources richness and ascetic population.

This financial power also gave America image of not only invincible economic power but also undisputed leader of scientific and technological progress leaving other countries far behind, sending the first man to walk on the Moon and being able to realize colossal program of star wars despite falsity of that image as it will be shown later.

Thus capitalism considered over national border, in global scale - and this is the fundamentally important matter - has demonstrated plasticity, adaptability and vitality being able to overcome both internal and external menaces to its existence.



Part 3

Lenin's theory of Imperialism


This historical situation requires new reading of classics of antisystem critique of capitalism, applying to theoretical heritage of Marx and Lenin.

According to Lenin in the beginning of XX century evolution of capitalism creates new quality of the system that needs to consider it as new, higher stage of its historical development, named by Lenin "Imperialism" and characterized in his work "Imperialism. The Highest stage of capitalism" with five features:

  1. the concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life;
  2. the merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this "finance capital", of a financial oligarchy;
  3. the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance;
  4.  the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves, and
  5. the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed.

He resumed: If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism, characterizing this stage as capitalism:

This work was written in 1916, and it is amazing how deep Lenin's vision was.

But taking into consideration historical experience we should revise his conclusions.

First of all conclusion on monopolism as internal essence of Imperialism should be reconsidered. History shows that despite all importance of this phenomenon, it's not main aspect of the system, but just its trend overcome by the system where necessary.

The factor which forms the capitalist system in Imperialistic stage is export of capital.

Just due to that it became possible to solve some contradictions of the system and subdue another ones. Just export of capital gives the system opportunity to evolve extensively, determines survival of the system in XX century and allows to win enemies and rivals.



Part 4

Marx and The Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall


As Marx shows in its Theory of Organic Composition of Capital ("Capital" vol. I, ch. 25 "The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation") and the Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall (ibid. vol. III, ch. 13 - 15), technical progress leads to increasing of ratio of value of the means of production to value of labour-power (the sum total of wages) called organic composition of capital and standing for proportion between, on the one hand, mass of labour, objectivated in the means of production employed, and, on the other hand, mass of living labour necessary for their employment, which is only source of surplus value and profit.

This process seems to be nonlinear.

Growth of technical composition of capital (relation between the mass of the means of production employed  and the mass of labour necessary for their employment which mirrors level of technical development of capital) leads to growth of labour productivity, and, on the one hand, decreases value of the means of production what cheapens elements of constant capital inhibiting growth of organic composition and, on the other hand, decreases value of labour (consumer basket necessary for reproduction of labour force) what cheapens variable capital increasing growth of  organic composition.

Interaction of these tendencies (megatrend and oscillations) seemingly accounts for famous phenomenon of "Kondratiev long waves".

But within contemporary industrial economy means of production all the same dominate both materially and by value what makes tendency to growth of organic composition of capital leading, determinative but countertendency is subordinate, introducing oscillation element into process of unfolding of the main tendency.

Growth of the organic composition of capital leads to fall of the rate of profit of capitalistic production what becomes obvious when we take into consideration that the part of living labour, giving profit, decreases in total mass of the capital including also increasing part of ballast value of the means of production which is not self-increasing unlike value of labour force.

This is fatal process and it means that  in closed economy accumulation of capital necessarily leads to fall of its profitability and loss of sense of capitalistic production which loses its main and only stimulus.

America, having no colonial domains, met non-vitality of capitalism, restricted by national borders, already during the Great Depression of 1929. Until the beginning of the Second World war the system balanced due to extensive factors (large scale building of infrastructure what was internal colonization as such) provided by government according to Keynesian thought that state to get consumer and generate demand, what can be considered as state capitalism of some kind, and defence jobs and credits. But they really passed to growth only since the end of the II World war which makes the American dollar reserve currency (Bretton Woods Agreements) and - farther - factual global currency and all non-socialist world turns into American colony where old European colonial governments was just something like police until anticolonial movement shifted the power to local elites which was ready to serve the American interest for much smaller cost.

But analysis of Marx also shows a vent for the system in international exchange.

As it was shown by Marx rate of profit (rate of profit to capital invested) of capitalist production is equal to ratio of rate of surplus value to value of organic composition of capital decremented to 1.

Rate of surplus value is introduced as ratio of value produced over necessary for reproduction of labour force to the latter one. In singly considered society this rate is expression for the degree of exploitation of labour-power by capital and is restricted by physical and social limitations.

But in the case of the export of capital to countries with essentially different standards of labour and consumption we have possibility of epochmaking breakthrough due to multiple growth of degree of exploitation if to consider that from the standpoint of value.

For example, worker in the USA produces product of $ 150 a day and gets $ 100 a day wage what is 50% rate of surplus value but Asian one produces the same product, sold in the USA for the same price, gets $ 10 a day wage what is 1400% rate of surplus value. Such a rate is already able to compensate over and above the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.




Part 5

Types of surplus value according to Marx.
Additional surplus value.


In volume I of the "Capital" Marx considered types of surplus value dominating on different stages of development of capitalist production.

Absolute surplus value corresponds to epoch of domination of manual labour and is produced by increasing of working day beyond the line necessary for reproduction of worker's life, intensification of his labour and paying lower than necessary for socially acceptable standard.

Relative surplus value is produced in epoch of machine industry allowing within fixed limits of working day to decrease necessary time due to growth of productivity of labor. That's obvious: the more productive labour the less its part  you need to reproduce labour force, the more its part becomes surplus labour.

Rate of surplus value in this case grows with no growth of degree of exploitation, at least not so dramatically as in previous stage.

But surplus value produced in the mentioned above case can be considered neither as absolute nor as relative because those categories work in system closed within local (national) borders.

Extremely low wage of an Asian worker does not lie out of living wage in which case it'd be reasonable to consider this surplus value as absolute. In the same time we can't view it as relative one because technologies used in the USA and in Asia are of the same level of development.

It is obvious, that we have deal with essentially different type of surplus value which arises from international exchange due to difference in the value (cost) of labour determined by civilization differences of participating countries (regions).

I call it additional surplus value, taking into account its external, relatively to Western metropolis, source.

Thus in our example total surplus value of 140 dollars is made up of two components, one, regular part (relative surplus value) of 50 dollars, and the other, additional part (additional surplus value) of 90 dollars.

Our case also helps us to understand the key necessity of Imperialism in maintaining of disparity of levels of economic and social development and standards of life between center and periphery of capitalistic system which is main root of chronic backwardness of peripheral societies and out of this backwardness existence of capitalistic system as whole is unthinkable. By the way, Marx supposed that development of colonial countries would be continual and their gap would be subdued in process of time but history overturns his supposition. Progress was damped and next turned round what leads to arising of wide areas of global gangrene illustrating Lenin's thought about decaying of capitalism already on global scale. 

Thus we can see, that essential feature of Imperialism is that capitalism in this stage exists on the basis of excess profit derived from additional surplus value determined by difference in levels of economic and social development - and, in consequence of that, in cost of economic factors -  inside and outside capitalistic metropolis in circumstances of fall of rate of internal (inside metropolis) profit.

In approach of phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserle we can say that Imperialism is capitalism funded by colonial periphery, capitalism whose existence essentially needs colonial periphery only in unity with which it is able to exist.

So parasitism develops further achieving latent marginalization of center of the system in consequence of transfer of production into the Third World, deindustrialization and growth of parasitic sectors of economy such as services called in the aggregate "postindustrialism".

Another compound of parasitism lies in artificially high level of rental payments affecting prices level in the West. Real estate prices determining rental payments is formed by mass mortgage loans (not contra!) whose basic level is determined by non-market directions of centers of economic power and only from this level jump into market despite common sense or trivial mind follows opposite way believing that high price of faced veneer house defines  level of mortgage loans.

This payments form higher level of prices and wages in metropolis leading to relative decline of prices, including raw materials prices, and wages in (neo)colonial periphery, what is known in political economy as "price scissors".

But it ricochets metropolis itself speeding up transfer of production, leading to general sclerotization of economy and further marginalization of society.

With that advantage of high rate of surplus value is not quite enough to compensate growth of organic composition of capital in the case of transition to thermo-nuclear energetics. That is why (not because of monopolism) we have its abruption by the system based on gas and oil and what is obvious factor of decaying and stagnation of scientific and technical progress substituted by simulacrums such as "information technologies", Strategic Defense Initiative and so on.

Just Imperialism turn world history into history of not domestication of space and nucleus but of the struggle for control over sources and transportation of oil.

But despite all long-term negatives of such mode of world economic relations system it gave the West vital power and allow to win the Socialist system.



Part 6

World Socialist System



Now we come back to the Socialism.

First of all I need to point out it was not accidental that Lenin considered monopolism as system formation factor of Imperialist stage. He supposed this feature reflects main trend of evolution of the capitalist system. Just monopolism was considered by Lenin as symptom of, from the one hand, high enough extent of socialization of production and, from the other hand, beginning of repression of its development within limitations of private property based system of social relations of production ("decaying").

But, as it was mentioned above, monopolism is merely tendency of capitalist system. It is important trend but not mainstream, rather deadlock, of socialization which, in my opinion, was realized as state capitalist pattern. Latter was not even mentioned in considered Lenin's work seemingly because of its rudimentary character in that time. Lenin's attention was drawn by state capitalism later, as he needed to validate The October revolution where he considered state capitalism first time as way of large-scale intervention of state in economy and next time as he began transition to New Economic Policy and adoption of basics of market economy.

To understand that we should introduce supposition that at the beginning of XX century, after finishing of the Second industrial revolution ridden by use of electricity and combustion engine, development of productive forces achieved critical level (bifurcation point) where we had no oneness of corresponding pattern (bifurcation of solutions) of social relations of production.

Capitalism, restricted in the direction of intensive development by consequences of growth of organic composition of capital, found vent in external expansion (extensive growth) allowing to keep outstanding characteristics of this formation but in parallel - historically and logically - another response of society on impact of the industrial revolution was found. It was Socialism as form of social modernization based upon internal resources in absence of external sources of surplus value and profit.

Possibility of the Socialist pattern proceeded from periphery of capitalist system (Russia) but determined by level of development of productive forces achieved in its center could remain abstract or potential one but unique historical conjuncture (war having broken tsar's regime and weakened all the capitalist system, etatist  instinct of Russian nation, splash of activity of national minorities, availability of serious industrial and transport capacities etc.) allows to break single net of capitalistic countries and actualize unique historical phenomenon of bifurcation of ways of historical development. Thus historical alternative appears.

But equilibrium of coexistence was rather unstable and actually was transition process of some kind subdued by both huge resources of capitalistic periphery and long existence of socialist system on the same level of development of productive forces which was determined by relative backwardness of countries adopted socialist mode what allows and requires extensive development (import of means of production from capitalistic system) at lower, relatively to the Western capitalism, level of development of productive forces.

In the long run Socialism didn't break force to higher level of development of productive forces what could be only factor predetermining its final consolidation and win.

Such level could be achieved only on higher stage of development of energetics by operation of essentially new sources of energy what is the central point and formation factor of system of productive forces.

Operated energy is the soul of human power, highest level of realization of domination of man over the nature. Just level of development of energetics determines the stages of industrial growth. Using of steam energy led to the First industrial revolution and initiate formation of industrial capitalism launching mechanisms of social transformations of XIX century. Electric energy is basis of large-scale heavy industry determined final economic and social consolidation of capitalism, its winning elements and relicts of previous, feudal formation and, at the same time, anticipated it to its own limits.

Just from this standpoint we can understand paradoxical status of nuclear energy - most perspective but least used line of energetics. This is the critical point in development of energetics until which - and here we should take into account factors of extensive growth, overseas profits and specific mechanisms of extricating of  contradictions - capitalism is still able to use its productive forces within its social relations of production but transition to next, thermo-nuclear level of energetics would lead to entire collapse of all system.

Nuclear energetics stands in between: it cannot be absorbed fully making critical overstrain of the system and, being not completely cancelled, is shifted to peripheral position in energetics and economy of capitalist countries and is inhibited most possible way.

Unfortunately it had the same fate under Socialism despite it seems much more open to technological innovations comparatively to capitalism due to absence of problems with organic composition of capital and fall of rate of profit.

On my opinion the reason lies in factors of conjuncture: initial selection of extensive development determined by necessity to adopt current scientific and technical achievements, dropping USSR into processes of socialistic expansion and armaments drive requiring escalating costs and strategy of domestication space originated from military needs but having no sense on the present energetics basis. Taking into account key importance of thermo-nuclear energetics for the result of competition between two global systems there are no doubts about Western strategy to inhibit the Soviet scientific and technological activity on this direction. Moreover it can be supposed that to side-track the USSR from effective projects in this field including harrying by rush of armaments was the second key factor of the global policy together with the struggle for control over sources and transportation of oil. In some sense it was shadow motive force of the global policy.

I also didn't exclude some manipulative influences from centers of power of capitalist system through its agents inside the Soviet establishment and by informal shadow agreements in the process of Detente. By the way, patron of Soviet thermo-nuclear program academician Roald Sagdeev is now resident of the USA having prestigious position in the American science.

Considering the nuclear energetics problem wider, we shall see here powerful manifestation of the Western paradigm of "global standards making". Just the USA by manipulating activity (from ecological movements around the world and strong mass-media propaganda to "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons") enforce common idea that nuclear energy is deadlock and danger way of energetics development. So they establish some global standard for their own convenience, just they get way to control global economic and political processes by controlling world sources of oil and its transportation.

From the other hand, socialist expansion died out. It began in 60-th as counter movement of the Soviet system, which find this vent from growth of internal disbalances and contradictions of poststalinian demobilization, and elites of some postcolonial countries selecting modernization strategy what in the situation of damping of development within capitalist system led to socialist choice.

Problems met by the USSR are already considered above. But Soviet satellites had also faced difficulties.

First factor. Modernization on their own required high rate of accumulation (part of resources to invest) in the prejudice of consumption. The USSR helped largely but could not finance industrialization of the Third world. So peoples which had made socialist choice need to pay big price that was much more than their readiness to do that.

Second factor. Socialist choice was also too heavy for elites because high extent of socialization of means of production corresponding to extent of productive forces development achieved by industrial civilization and  collective character of investments, withdrawn from consumption, both, eliminated possibility of individual participation, even indirectly, of  members of the establishment in national assets. So the Soviet pattern of expropriation and servitude of elite by state, whose will and property completely dominated in socialist society, reproduced.

The third factor is considered above necessity of transfer of value in favor of heavy industry (transfer of value to this sector of industry from raw materials industry and/or external sources) without of which heavy industry becomes - under conditions of limited resources of raw materials and energy - effectless and non-competitive comparatively with the Western corporations based on such transfers from colonial periphery. Impossibility of such transfers, absence of own resources, weakness of nation's will and enmity of the West lead socialist modernization to deadlock.

Fourth factor was larger scale of the world capitalist system including so called Non-Aligned countries what helps international capital to use wider spectrum of relative advantages of regional specialization and in consequence of that to get more economic effectiveness then socialist system.

All these factors led to frustration about socialist system and turn megatrend of global evolution back to the American mode of globalization which was catastrophic in the long run but more attractive in short- and medium-term prospect.

In the end of 70-th Socialist system started its fall which was finished decade later by its full collapse under counterattack of capitalist system.

The answer to the question about fundamental reasons of success of this counterattack (neoconservative revolution) lies in fact of integration of China in the global capitalist system in the end of 70-th - beginning of 80-th. Death of Mao in 1976, coming to power of Deng Xiaoping in 1979 and start of market oriented reforms and Open Doors policy for foreign capital changed global aligning of forces radically.

Just resource of overcheap Chinese labour breathe a new life into capitalist system, let it to overcome crisis of 70-th, to create "Consumer Society", to form "new middle class" absorbing there its own proletariat and start winning the USSR and Socialist block.

Here we can say Deng Xiaoping is seemingly the figure behind the curtain but of the same importance as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.



Part 7

Stages of accumulation and domination of capital.
Absolute domination of capital



What allows to reanimate capitalism after knock-down of Oil Shock and growth of internal and external difficulties of the system (socialist choice of some of peripheral countries and growth of social and economic instability in center of the system, for example I could point out Revolution of 1968 in France).

To understand that we shall go to Marxian consideration of stages of accumulation and domination of capital introduced in connection with analysis of surplus value and its types.

Production of surplus value implies subordination of labour to capital: worker sells his labour force to capitalist, works under his control and amenably his directions.

In stage of production of absolute surplus value manual labour still dominated and the difference in productivity of labor between capitalist manufactory and handicraft industry is not large and handicraftsman is still able to compete with capitalist and worker is not completely chained to manufactory. Capital didn't dominate labour yet.

Marx called this stage formal domination of capital.

As accumulation of capital grows and machine industry arises it starts stage of production of relative surplus value.

Now machines (technical and technological aspects of production) determine all structure of labour process making worker to be its appendage. Growth of productivity of labor ruins small handicraft industry what makes worker unable to realize his labour force out of capitalist enterprise.

This is the stage of real domination of capital. Economically capital entirely subordinates labour and finally establish itself as mode of production.

In this stage capital is still not able to achieve entire domination over society, physical subsistence of worker restricts its ambitions and extent of domination. Economical subordination of labour is compensated by social and political struggle of working class. This factor (class struggle) is also guarantor of autonomous existence of another institutions actually constructing real civil society.

Generally it was represent in previous to "Capital" work of Marx "Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy"  1857/58 ("Grundrisse"), became known in the USSR in the end of 30-th and on the West since beginning of 50-th.

Marx wrote: Production is determined by general natural laws, distribution by social accident, and the latter may therefore promote production to a greater or lesser extent; exchange stands between the two as formal social movement; and the concluding act, consumption, which is conceived not only as a terminal point but also as an end-in-itself, actually belongs outside economics except in so far as it reacts in turn upon the point of departure and initiates the whole process anew.

This profound thought tells us in particular that not all aspects of economic life are subject to capital.

In relations on distribution can and actually present moments set outside economy itself, for example taxation, customs, state regulations and other forms of state interventions and withdrawals, varieties of class struggle and various social factors and rental payments succeeded from precapitalist formation and other external to capital circumstances which deform process of appropriation by capitalist of all mass of surplus value.

Consumption according to Marx's thought takes particular place. It is given by nature and extrapositioned to economy, taking the lead but not subjected to economic process.

It stands capital in position of servant of social needs and restricted it by natural, social, cultural and other borders, allowing to reproduce itself only within needs produced by society. We can say, society is prison for capital naturally aching to unlimited expansion.

So the stage of real domination of capital, concerning society as whole, is so relative and incomplete as previous one differing from it just in extent of domination but not in its totality. In this stage capitalism coexist with various precapitalist hangovers, alien social patterns and cultural enclaves, capital is not still able to absorb civil society which is formed as result of not one-sided will of capital but real class struggle between capital and labour.

So the following picture was drawn by Marx.

Accumulation of capital leads to its concentration and centralization what aggravates contradiction between social character of production and private mode of appropriation.

At the same time social character of production forms organized proletariat intercepting at some stage of progress of this contradiction and its political maturity control over means of production and establishing new social and economic order.

This is, according to Marx's thought, the general trend of social development.

But, on my opinion, opposite tendency didn't take into consideration. Another side of the process of capital accumulation is growth of its organic composition and accordingly growth of extent of its domination.

Partially this problem was touched in Marx's writings. His remarks in "Grundrisse" let us to suppose that he admitted capital to achieve full domination over society as result of military oppression of proletarian resistance.

In "Capital" he left this theme having made another choice. He considered proletarian revolution as only scenario and validated it by Hegelian logic of negation of negation ("expropriation of expropriators") and essentially non-economic reasons: "grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, exploitation; but with this too grows the revolt of the working-class, a class always increasing in numbers" despite politically and economically working class is "disciplined, united, organized by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist production itself" obeying logic of capital domination.

Time has told.

Great Depression in the USA demonstrated scenario of collapse of capitalist system just on the top of its power.

But it was followed by doings that shows: capital intended to overstep borders of national economy and go farther up to its Hercules pillars, reanimating in the process of expansion.

Just then, with transition to production of additional surplus value preconditions to transition to new stage of capital domination (absolute domination) was found. It was the phenomenon fuzzily but prophetically descried by Marx.

Preconditions of this stage was found as the USA starts 1) export of capital to Japan and other Asian countries after the Second world war and 2) implementation of assembly line technologies (key factor for global export of capital) dividing complex labour process into many small simple operations what allows to decrease needed level of labour qualification and to make unified standard of production operations and management that was transferable and launchable at any place of the planet.

This process allows capital to extend policy of corruption of elite of working class (working aristocracy) and its leaders and then, as transition of production from the center of capitalist world to its periphery grows, entirely absorb proletariat in mass of "new middle class" rebuilt due to flows of superprofit (additional surplus value) from periphery of capitalist system.

Crashing defeat of proletarian revolution turned out needless: international production and exchange (globalization) let actually displace proletariat beyond civilization borders of the center of capitalist system  what made illusion of the total domination of capital over society already extending from production and exchange to distribution and - that is most important - consumption.

Absolute domination of capital is stage where it controls all aspects and parts of economic life of society - production, exchange, distribution and consumption - comes with "consumer society", its  consequence and reason at the same time, which is simulacrum of civil society where capital financing its consumption from colonial superprofit (additional surplus value) absorbed (falsified nature and subjected to its will and goals) all state, political, ideological, religious, cultural, social and economic institutions.

Just in stage of absolute domination of capital all complex of contemporary world phenomena called "mondialism" arises and can be defined as integration of the world into One world what represented itself in basis of society as processes of globalization and in superstructure - as all fullness of postmodernist phenomena.

Emerging from Imperialism which is still pertaining to the stage of real domination of capital, Mondialism is next leap in evolution of capitalism, stage succeeded previous, Imperialistic one.

It is, from the one hand, stage of entire realization of all potential of capitalist system and achieving of absolute domination and, from the other hand, of its coming to the end of its tether and depleting of factors and dynamics of extensive development and consequently of unfolding of all reserved in previous stage conflicts and contradictions.

Lenin named Imperialism highest stage of capitalism considering it also as its last stage but from the viewpoint of present days and historical experience we should cancel this view as mistaken and introduce separate stage, Mondialism as the last one.




Part 8

Mondialism as a special stage of capitalism


Mondialism as the stage of realization of absolute domination of capital stands on the same basis of additional surplus value production as Imperialism but has its own specific features set by fact that Mondialism is stage of formation on one world system, further concentration and centralization of capital and coming of capitalism to the end of its tether.

Following Lenin's schema of analysis of Imperialism, we can characterize Mondialism as stage of capitalism where:

  1. one world political and economic system arises, and this system is characterized by
  • global currency has sprung up,
  • transnational capital has been formed and
  • transfer of value between regions of the world is working,

                                           and cinching this transfer and simultaneously determined by them

  • stable unequilibrium of the global economy appears, what realizes itself as inequality of economic factors (such as prices and wages  levels, rate of profit and so on) over countries and regions of the world, that usually are being equalized as market equilibrium is achieving within local system of national economy;
  1. concentration and centralization of industry and capital overstepped extent creating monopolism and created state capitalism which plays a decisive role in economic, social and political life;
  2. financial capital emancipates from industrial and begins unlimited self-increasing in form of fictitious capital what leads to its conflict with industrial capital, destructs connection between owner and its ownership (portfolio investors appear), lumpenizes bourgeoisie and makes financial oligarchy antisocial;
  3. making of world standards of economic activity as distinguished from export of capital acquires exceptional importance becoming instrument of maintenance of global economic unequilibrium and control over global processes.

Contradictions of Mondialism is its specific form of realization of general capitalist contradiction between social character of production and private mode of appropriation, which in its turn is form of realization of general for all formations contradiction between productive force and social relations on production, in context of global capitalism namely capitalism that becomes world-wide in geographical and social aspect and foreign trade in aspect of origins of main part of its profit (surplus value).

Simplifying we can say that contradictions of Mondialism are like global extension of general capitalist contradiction and its superposition on contradictions of international trade.

Contradictions of Mondialism consist on contradictions of global capitalist system as whole, contradictions in its center and periphery:

In the stage of Mondialism we see further growth of organic composition, concentration and centralization of capital and, in consequence of that, further unfold of tendency of rate of profit to fall.

This tendency forms contradiction between growth of power of capital (growth of mass of profit) and losing of sense and motivation of capitalist production (fall of rate of profit) and complex of  contradictions springing out from above.

Here we see:

Thus we can extend Lenin's definition of Imperialism as system decaying, parasitic and moribund which are also true for Mondialism adding such specific for  closing stage of capitalism features as:

In conclusion sketchy description of four phases of development of Mondialism should be represented:

  1. Nascency and beginning phase of development (from the end of the Second world war to the end of 70-th):
    1. uprise of global reserve currency as result of Bretton-Woods agreements;
    2. formation of proamerican comprador elites on periphery of capitalist system establishing basis of global social and political infrastructure of Mondialism,
  2. Growth (from the end of 70-th to the beginning of 90-th):
    1. Dollar lifting restrictions of golden standard becoming main economic force;
    2. Chinese labour arises on the stage of global economy;
    3. postmodern is coming,
  3. Flush (90-th):
    1. collapse of the USSR and establishing of sole American hegemony;
    2. intensification of exploitation of capitalist periphery;
    3. Chinese labour, cheap oil of Near East and American consumerism form global economy;
    4. triumph of postmodern having been dominant social, political, cultural and in the long run civilizing paradigm,
  4. Decline, closing capitalism as formation (2000-th):
    1. takeover of authority by Intelligence, its conflict with financial oligarchy, civil society and contradictions with elite of military forces;
    2. uprise of alternative global currency (Euro);
    3. disruption of the West;
    4. contradictions with China because of quota in global income;
    5. growth of oil prices;
    6. leading to disintegration of infrastructure of Mondialism unfixing of comprador elites which plunge into a difficulty
      • of overall pauperization in its own countries and
      • of robber attempts to expropriate them from the USA side (Asian crisis of 1997, nation building of G.Bush II administration);
    7. growth of unemployment and pauperization in metropolis itself ride by its deindustrialization;
    8. all-world growth of antiglobalist movement.



Part 9

Laws of capitalist formation and state character of capitalism in the stage of mondialism.


Main economic law of capitalism.

As Marx wrote in volume I of "Capital" (chapter 13 "Co-operation"): "The directing motive, the end and aim of capitalist production, is to extract the greatest possible amount of surplus-value".

This is the Law of surplus value, being main economic law of capitalist formation, that represents the nature of capitalist mode of production and determines all essential aspects of process of movement end evolution of capital.

This law has two aspects.

At first, it represents the nature of capitalist production as production of just and only value without respect to specific of producing commodity (use-value) which only stands (here) as а carrier, as a material shell for the produced value.

Significance of this revolutionary discovery of Karl Marx will be considered in part 13 "Theology of capital".

At second, the Law of surplus value represents tendency of capitalist production, its dynamics. This aspect is expressed by the Law of maximum profit which determines movement of capital in real economy.

As it was said above, tendency of rate of profit to fall drastically enforces tendency of capital to maximum profit transforming it into tendency to maximum current profit what leads to cutting off expenses of long-term and infrastructure investments.

In mondialist stage the Law of maximum profit turns into the Law of maximum current profit.

It leads to fatal consequences because of constriction of abilities of system to manage society and its own development, to react on crises and reply on impacts and, what is the most catastrophically, it provokes the system to put down quota of profit using to maintain consumer demand in extent that breaks reproduction of labour force through generations because wages tend to fall below level needed to provide nurture of children.

Just by this reason Russia was not included in the Western consumer society despite this policy seems paradoxical and dangerous.


The Law of value and formation of state capitalism

In achieving of absolute domination capital sublates (in Hegelian sense i.e. supersedes, puts an end to, but simultaneously maintains, preserves) performance of the Law of value.

In the stage of Mondialism one world-system has been formed where profit and surplus value are made due to differences in value of economic factors in the center (metropolis) and in periphery (neocolonies) of the global capitalism which is determined by differences in levels of development.

It makes sovereignty of neocolonial countries illusive but keep preserved sovereignty of metropolis as stronger player what generates illusion of self-sufficiency of its economic systems which are actually open systems being on the basis of resource inflow.

Thus artificial subjectness of the Western civilization arise where the West is able to form the world of colonial periphery solely but simultaneously is essentially dependent from this world.

Most important realization of this order is global status of the American national currency.

Emerging of global currency supplements to functions of money new one (this is correct for "global money"), namely money becomes means of control over economy including:

It came with taking off gold standard in the USA.

As a matter of fact global currency issued by national state lets capital to achieve absolute domination and turn this state into its unique social laboratory.

Being unbound from trade turnover (in the case of the American currency - from gold coverage) and stimulated by international demand on means of payments and store of value, capital becomes unlimited (until limitations get clear) self-increasing but fictitious value.

Fictitious capital alienates money from goods, price from value, commodity and consumption from labour. Thus, alienating society from its nature, capital has all the trumps in its hand.

Export of capital gives place to formation and growth of fictitious capital (land prices, derivatives and indexes, ratings, intellectual property, brands and other intangible assets) which emancipates capital as specific entity.

Here we see, by the way, turn from Lenin's formula "bank supersedes Stock Exchange" to opposite one  because Stock Exchange is not only element of market infrastructure but first and foremost is place where fictitious capital generates itself and self-increase.

Synchronously with global currency uprise, we see spreading of unification of global rules and standards of operations on global market which are determined by most powerful player - issuer of world money.

It brings uprise of metabusiness of global rules and standards making what is key point in global management. To serve this trend adequate global infrastructure arises. It consists of both international institutions (WTO, IMF, WB etc.) and private organizations like Microsoft.

Profit of "Emitter of Standards" is already included in rules of the game.

It allows to Capital in the Stage of absolute domination to overmaster the Law of Value, to sublate it (transforming into tendency) by manipulated price formation, rending price from value.

Almost half of the American export-import operations are made not on free market but within transnational corporations which transfer raw materials and components between their branches all over the world according to self-will determined transfer prices which realize the policy of transnational capital in transfer of value between regions of production, consumption and tax-free zones. Transfer prices legitimate (make "evidence", "transparency" of origin, ability to be absorbed in economy of metropolis) and integrate capital (surplus value/profit) produced on Periphery of capitalist system into its Center.

Another aspect of manipulation of economic processes is phenomenon of positioning prices where forefronts of economic power peg prices of gold and diamonds, raw materials, land, intellectual property and brands according to paying capacity on the basis of marketing researches but not of expenses (elect price, if we can say so).

In the case of raw materials prices we have political compromises with countries-producers and mechanism of price discrepancy based on overpricing of land and real estates leading to fictitious gain of production expenses on the West both directly and indirectly due to including of mortgage and renting fees in wage and other income of the Western persons (and excluding next in favor of bank or landowner) and consequently gain of prices of the Western manufactured goods relatively to raw materials and labour from non-Western periphery.

Foremost in determining of real estates prices level is political consensus of government and municipalities about level of disbursing prices of land for housing and banking system about parameters of real estate loans.

"Free" Market just fluctuating around this basic level.

Briefly, pricing looks like this:

Functions of transfer prices are:
  • redistribution of profit (surplus value);
  • financing;
  • creation of fictitious wealth (cheap from the standpoint of labour and raw materials input bijou will be quoted at largely overstated price of realization in metropolis).

Functions of positioning prices are:

  • consumption management;
  • creation of fictitious wealth:
    • positioning prices of land especially in large cities,
    • prices on intellectual property and brands.


Monopoly prices-formation also keep its importance and have all above-mentioned functions where transnational capital deal with comprador capital of peripheral countries or small and middle nonmonopolostic capital of metropolis.

Above-mentioned price-formation policy determined denial of Labour theory of Value by economic theory of capitalism and recovery of Marginal utility theory validating price manipulation by consumption aspects.



State capitalism.

Achievement of absolute domination by Capital and overmastering by him the Law of Value in the long run is consequence of further growth of its concentration and centralization.

Defining  Imperialism as monopolistic capitalism (Lenin) we should point out that mondialist stage of capital concentration and centralization corresponds to state capitalism which is determined by such level of socialization of productive forces that requires not only state regulation but also grandscale presence of state in economy.

We can define state capitalism as system of entire interleasing of big business and politics (government) when politics absorbs economy which becomes part, aspect of politics which, in its turn, gets determined by big business.

State capitalism is not just economic mechanism like during Roosevelt era, in the stage of mondialism this is form of being of capitalism which is already unthinkable without state presence.

State capitalism leads to displacing of both competition and monopoly by planning (economic, social and political), keeping both competition and monopoly on inferior  levels of system.

State capitalism realizes transition to operated unequilibrium of global economy (prices levels and profit rates inequality) and controllable economic development.

The basis of economic planning is value transfers between branches of business and regions of the world.

Transnational capital planning is the reason of difference in profit rate of elements of technological chains. So raw materials production returns minimal rate which increases when there is elementary treatment and maximal rate is provided by manufacturing of finished products. This is result of transnational capital's policy that is possible due to international nature of actual economic processes and economic gradients (disparity in prices, rates, wages and so on levels in countries and regions of the world which in one economic system must tend to averaging) which are maintained on the ground of disparity of levels of land prices and operated rates of local currencies,  principally it means underrating relatively its purchasing-power parity.

Raw materials production doesn't requires highly-qualified labour so, taking into account its abundance in peripheral countries, capital can set low cost of such labour and hereupon profit rate of this business line controlled by local comprador capital or branches of transnational corporations. This is the main reason, on my opinion, of continuous preservation of mineral resources in the USA where their mining would result to collision of this trend with enhancing tendency determined by averaging of profit rate within national economy (formation of average nationwide profit rate).

Every next element of technological chain requires more qualified labour what increases its cost and hereupon (by good will of Grand Capital) profit rate of local capital as bonus for its organizing service within international process of production.

Using regional and cultural borders transnational capital maintains intercountries disparity of intensive economic factors (economic gradients) that would be averaged without those borders in process of moving to market equilibrium (such as prices, wages and rates) what serves its global strategic goals, in first maximization of profits.

To realize its planning functions and maintain stable unequilibrium of global economy it's necessary national states to restrict or even exclude regulation functions what is called "liberalization" of economy (market, trade etc.) and is main requirement of international organizations (IMF, WTO etc.) to peripheral countries.

Planning makes State central element of capitalist system, its brain and volitional staff, strengthens its leadership as mouthpiece of collective will and interests of capitalist class.

From this viewpoint we can also consider antitrust activity of capitalist state during previous. Imperialist stage what was just some kind of "invasion from the future", "cry of baby"- state capitalism, just even then state pretended to plan economy and realized it in rudimentary forms so it didn't accept competition with big business in this area.

At the same time Sublated in the Mondialist stage the Law of Value is still alive as a tendency, particularly as trend to oil shock.

Analogously we don't think about disappearing of gravitation for flying airplane, we know it can fly only until it expends fuel. Next it will subject to direct effect of gravitation.

"Cancellation" of the Law of Value lasts only till motor of global currency works and levitates the American economy and transnational capital over ground of real economy.

Next is alighting or fall depending on pilot's skills.

Global money is the magic that turns Cinderella into princess, but we should not forget in due time sorcery will disappear and princess be back to kitchen.

It seems the time is coming.


General law of capitalist accumulation.

Effect of this Law is inhibited in the same extent as one of the Law of Value.

But only within the borders of the Western economy (societies).

Really, in the global scale which is adequate to global character of capitalism it effects directly as accumulation of pauperism in masses of the Third World but partly affects the West itself (growth of poverty, fall of birthrate what indicates relative impoverishment).

Thus we have one more channel of transfer of basic conflicts of capitalism beyond the borders of the Western civilization and rise of intercivilization contradictions (terrorism, antiglobalism, religious extremism etc.), growth of which is main root of collapse of capitalist formation.



Part 10

Logic of capitalism and modes of capitalist expansion


As it was shown by Marx capitalist formation comes from production of commodities on such stage of development of social productive forces where labour power becomes commodity as well. In other words where productivity of labor is high enough to reproduce worker's ability to work (i.e. to produce value covering socially acceptable consumption minimum) for period of time less than standard for the society working day, only part of which worker works for himself (necessary time) spending rest of his labour-time for work for capitalist (surplus time). This fact (possibility to produce value more than value of labour power) properly speaking make it possible to buy labour power by another person (capitalist) under condition, of course, there is enough amount of labour power sellers ("Industrial Reserve Army") i.e. some part of working population was expropriated from means of production.

From this root main contradiction of capitalist formation arises, it is contradiction between social mode of production (commodity produced on capitalist factory is result of worker's labour and not only of this factory if we take into consideration extent of social division of labour and cooperation between factories, business lines and regions) and private mode of appropriation (commodity is appropriated by capitalist who is owner of means of production).

Most important development of this contradiction is the problem of effective demand which is central for all capitalist economy.

Effective demand of worker is limited by his wage so he can pay only for commodities equivalent to value of his labour power. But commodities produced by worker contains - beside transferred value of raw materials and amortization - also surplus value which can already not be realized to worker.

Just this problem is expressed in Marx's Manifesto of the Communist Party: "The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.".

Thus we can see, capitalist system even within a reproduction on a simple scale need to look for its logical perfection out of itself (to expand) or will be made to realize gross amount of produced commodities to workers turning profit into actually unpayable debts. Latter option will be chosen in the Mondialist stage of capitalism.

One of possible solution is technical progress (intensive expansion) of capitalist system, meeting growing social needs under technical growth of national economy and organic composition of capital, by means of production of means of production. Industrialization, rearmament, modernization and so on postpone, before saturation, necessity to expand extensively by means of capitalization of surplus value in growing amount of means of production, in technical infrastructure (techomedia) mediating consumption beyond elementary needs.

Extensive expansion is another solution which prevails before internal technical grows (intensive expansion) as export of commodities and after that as export of capital since second half of XX century.

Export of commodities prevailed in XVIII - XIX centuries and was limited by paying capacity of colonies and their level of economic development. It was displaced by export of capital primarily invested in colonial infrastructure (railroad, naval communications etc.) and debts of colonial governments but since assembly line technologies came direct investments into industry employing cheap labour power of colonial periphery was launched. Latter option became most fruitful due to unlimited labour resources in contradistinction to paying capacity of its owners.

Export of capital (exploitation of cheap labour power of colonies) postponed catastrophe, transformed but not solved the problem of effective demand (crises of overproduction) which now appears as arising and growth of financial pyramids what reproduced expansionist features of capitalism on new basis and larger scale.

Under global capitalism Dollar Pyramid arises. It is spreading circuit of recyclization of dollars, composed of external recyclization - buying by exporters of American bonds in amount of sum of export minus expenses and expansion spending, and internal recyclization - difference between price and costs is divided into consumption fund forming wages and other income including social assistance and analogous transfers, and capitalist profit. Disbalance between prices (including surplus value or profit and consumption fund is covered by consumer credit.

Thus consumer debts are virtual wealth of capitalist what was suggested 100 years ago by Gobson whose book induced Lenin to prepare his own analysis of Imperialism. In particular wealth of exporters, supplying their products on the American market, is actualized in the American treasury bonds.

Paying all above debts forms pyramid of its continuous refinancing what makes system to broaden its reproduction so stopping expansion terminates the system.

Thus we see that under export of commodities extensive expansion (I call it extensive expansion of first kind) allows to make profit on capital but under export of capital extensive expansion (of second kind) has quite different nature, it is determined by necessity to broaden financial (debt) pyramid (now this is the mode of being of capital) and stopping this process cuts off not only profit but all capitalist wealth as well.

Just here we should look for roots of policy of containment of Communism and religious-like hatred of president Reagan to the USSR blocking the American extensive expansion of second kind which was triumphally realized in 90-th of XX century after liquidation of the USSR.

Modeling of functioning of this pyramid in range from financing by monetary authorities of all commodities turnover (leading to global dollar inflation) to covering only expenses in countries-producers (growth of debt pyramid) is now real content of economic theory on the West from Keynesianism to Monetarism which formulates, depending on international conjecture, prescriptions of stimulation of national economies standing on invisible (not-considered) background of outer resources inflow.

Being limited in intensive aspect by the Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall, capitalism in extensive aspect of growth is limited by natural borders of human community which are already reached.

Only way from the deadlock is to try to widen borders due to internal (not globalized) resources of local economies which are at disposal of local comprador elites.

So we have debt and currency crises like in Latin America or South-Eastern Asia leading to redistribution of local markets in the good of transnational corporations, intensification of export lines of local economies and acquirement by the Western capital (for debts or at dumping prices under crash of financial markets and fall of local currencies) stocks of local companies which recently was basis of economic power of local elites.

But it stimulates opposition of local comprador elites, encourages antiglobalism and destructs all architecture of Mondialism.

In response the West tries to reformat non-Western societies using slogans of democracy and human rights what is attempt to predatory break open national economies and suppress antiglobalist fronde of local elites.

So capitalism chasing profit has been beginning to destruct welfare-state (consumer demand) inside and national bordersm, ensuring interest of local elites, what destroys basis of its own existence.

So Capitalism started from robbery and is finishing with the same.




Part 11

Illusions of capitalism


In this part I try to precis sketchy main mystifications of capitalist apologetics.


Free market and competitive advantages

Up to half of the American foreign trade turnover is made by transfer price formation. Brands, real estates and intellectual property are realized through positioning prices (see Part 9).  "Free market" is here just a facade of manipulated economic system of monopolist, positioning and transfer prices what is determined by high level of concentration and centralization of capital as all threads of economic relations converges in the long run to a few  interlaced centers of economic and political power.

Competitive advantages of countries, business lines and companies correlates of course with their economic effectiveness but in the long run are determined by goals and policy of architects of Mondialism making political decisions on regimes of favoured nation (or economic sanctions), market niches, investments and credits (i.e. dollar resources of financing and effective demand) what is determined by planning nature of actual capitalism.

Unlikely we would see economic miracles of postwar Germany and Japan, South Korea and other Asian Dragons and Chile if those countries were not be objects of propitiation after explosion of nationalist military aggression or fortress against Communism.


Hard currency

Cult of Dollar is in population, businessmen and politicians of peripheral countries.

But idea of its hardness and reliability is misconception standing very far from reality.

American dollar, being global currency and maintaining world trade turnover and financial system, is issued in gargantuan amount exceeding necessity of the American economy. Total emission is about 4 trillion dollars but only 200 billions maintains inland trade turnover of the USA. From 1 to 1.5 billions (Eurodollars) are outside of the USA as deposits of foreign persons and reserves of central banks. Thus purchasing capacity of the American dollar on the inland market and its exchange rate depend on demand for and confidence to this currency what lets to keep it outside the USA. Serious political problems of the America or stop of coordination efforts (actually cartel) of leading central banks are able to overturn dollar rate and return all its mass back to the USA plunging them into hyperinflation.

But the problem of dollar instability is nothing over against debts problem of the USA.

As it was pointed out above, overproduction leads under extensive growth to overconsumption, i.e. to consumption on credit and expanded reproduction does to debts pyramid which is mode of growing consumption. Thus nature of capitalism itself leads to debt crisis which most concentrately actualizes contradiction between social mode of production and private mode of appropriation. Capitalist is made to give appropriated surplus value back forming it as consumer credit and his possibility to return the credit is the same as one to solve the contradiction.

Now budget of the USA is about 2 trillion dollars and is embarrassed by state debt which is about 6 trillions. 10 trillion American GDP, more than 50% of which formed by inland services and overestimate, often in great extent,  real estates and securities, is embarrassed by total debt (federal government, stated, municipalities, companies and private persons) of about 40 trillions which is approximately the same as total value of the American national wealth. Thus the USA are due about all they have. Not inspiring.

Crash of dollar, hyperinflation, governmental, state and municipal obligations default and total bankruptcy are most probable scenario of near future of the American economy.


Inversions of "consumption society"

Nature of consumption society transpires under consideration of question about calculation of gross product of capitalist countries.

Following concepts of "Economics", statistics includes in GDP cost of inland services. On the first glance it seems to be just a image-making trick, namely overestimating of gross product enhance credit worthiness of economy and confidence to debts and currency what is most important for country issuing world currency. Moreover the trick is primitive, it obviously implicates duplicated count because cost of services has already included in prices of produced material values as part of expenses. Analogously consumer services are paid from wages or entrepreneur profit which are also included in final prices of material values.

In other words total value of economy is sum of values of solely material valuables.

But the West rebuilt its economy on principally different, non-productive basis. Western economy is based on consumer (and thus parasitic) foundations what was pointed out by Lenin.

Chinese produce, Americans consume. On credit. Simplifying we can say that transnational corporations cover expenses in China, fix price in the USA and divide difference into consumption fund for the Americans (wages and other income) and profit and afterwards all mass of commodities are taken by the Americans in exchange for their debts to corporations (this is origin of 40-trillion total debt).

Such economic system naturally presumes that value is made by consumption, not by labour.

Then not production but just services as important part of process of consumption become main generator of value and are included in GDP. That is main difference of consumption economy from productive one.

And when value is made by consumption then debt becomes capital.

These are consequences of the fact that contemporary capitalist economy left ground of the Law of Value what is determined by achieving of absolute domination by capital in the stage of Mondialism.

Capital overtakes consumption and makes it so its tool as labour.

And even more important because just consumption is the field where it finds illusive solution of its main contradiction.



So called "postindustrial structure" of society is just pattern actualizing deindustrialization (transfer of production to peripheral countries), growth of parasitic sectors of economy (services, real estates, speculations and other fictitious activity oftenly called "economy of knowledge") and exploitation of institutional advantages and infrastructure of global market controlled by metropolis of global capitalism.

Economic essence of postindustrialism is displacing of labour of population of the center of system by cheap labour of peripheral countries that is parasitism of metropolis.

It is main factor of social and economic degradation and devolution of the West.


Middle class

Middle class is neither bourgeoisie (small proprietors) nor even social infrastructure (maintenance strata) of bourgeoisie of metropolis in the first place despite accidentally these features inhere. Essentially this is synthetically constructed strata of consumers receiving "consuming coupons" (credit money) and therefore generator of effective demand which launches all mechanism of capitalist production.

Another reason of new middle class arising is technical and technological transformation of contemporary capitalist production allowing now segregation of detached and relatively small laborous and capital-intensive units (mechanisms, processes) from aggregate technological process what allows to segregates such units as independent legal entities and to make illusion of their self-supporting in competitive media. But really such quasiindependent units are in economic niches determined by big business, often without guarantees owing to wage labour.

Thus middle class is not self-supporting and it is controllable enough and is not symptom of good social health and stability of its institutions but rather it is root of maintaining and conservation of consumption level and accumulation of social problems and contradictions.

Formation of "middle class" is performed by architects of Mondialism as part of process o social and economic planning through money pump of population (jobs in governmental organizations, services, consumer, housing and small business credits etc.) from part of neocolonial excess profit, it is one of modes of shaping of flows of excess profit intended to consumption and including in particular support to small business, network marketing and other ways of internal economic niches formation.

But first and foremost origin is external resources inflow.

Generality of all-human values and ways of social development

This illusion covers reality of two worlds, from which "One world" is composed, - world of consumer societies (capitalist center) and world of producing societies (capitalist periphery).

Main distinction is direction of resources vector. Just resources inflow provides functioning of institutions of "open society", "democracy", "human rights" and so on, and also non-conflict (on surface) character of social contradictions.

Historical experience shown that under the Western exploitation of non-Western world including Russia, where it was actualized most prominently, structures of "democracy", "civil society"  and "human rights" can arise as social infrastructure maintaining opposed direction of resources vector. Just on the ground of resources outflow colonial democracy, comprador civil society and manipulated freedom are built and these form structures of comprador subsystem integrated in the Western economy. But as concerns society as whole these institutions are antisocial and contradiction between them (comprador subsystem) and all-national interests and institutions is main contradiction of Mondialism on periphery of capitalist system.


Democracy and Open society

Arising of manipulated society (absorption of civil society by capital attained absolute domination in stage of Mondialism) turns politics into complex multilevel system of agency and provocations, that is agency service in favour of groups and fractions of capitalist elite, and secret operations (organization of "parties" and "social movements", sabotage and subversions, public relations projects and terrorism and so on) in forms of public politics. Thus democracy turns into plutocracy, power of money (in the end of Mondialist stage power of Intelligence) in democratic decor.

No doubt about it when watching attempt of Ross Perot to become president of the USA and course of two last American president elections.

As it was said above capital in stage of Mondialism attains level of concentration and centralization allowing to build economic system manipulated by its nucleus (already having arisen), center of management of global economic system to which (ti this center) all essential economic links directly or indirectly converge. This center affects fundamentally all economic processes on the planet. It lets Mondialist oligarchy to rebuild the world on essentially different basis. Only now famous Hamlet's phrase "All world is prison" actualizes in social reality.

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happened to them all. (Ecclesiastes 9,11).

In this time - operated chance, standing behind facade  of "society of equal opportunities" ("open society").

"Operated chance", being consequence of manipulated economy, is essence of so called "repressive society" which is back of the Western democracy with its dual thinking, system of taboo, blacklists of undesirables and backroom professional restrictions.

What an inferno can such system turn into under takeover of power by Intelligence (secret services) author of these words has firsthand knowledge in Russia. And it is not surprising because offsceen power is the power of devil.


Freedom as negative percent and fission of capital

Negative percent is metaphor expressing essence of risky investment paradigm (venture capital) arising first time in the USA in the end of 70-th.

In this paradigm risk is not result of inexactitude of business plan or force-majeur but is essential aspect of business process what requires at first to deny traditional economic rationality  and at second not just cheap (but operated within traditional paradigm) but junk money which are ready to be invested with essentially no predictable result.

Best object for such investments was scientific and technological projects, money arose in 70-th as result of beginning of dollar pyramid ablation and returning of dollar mass back to the USA and in 90-th due to collapse of the Socialist system and work of powerful resources pump that was already not held by necessity in rebates to the Third World in the course of the Cold War.

Just born from Dollar Pyramid venture capital  was economic basis of Second edition of Great American Dream.

It is impossible and needless to deny the fact that just this style of investing promotes a lot of achievements and innovations but we must understand driving force of this process was not these innovations themselves and even not corresponding economic benefits (cost reduction) but just pumping of bubbles - junk bonds in 80-th and stocks of high-tech companies in 90-th on the wave of oscillation of much more giant bubble of the American dollar.

But we should go farther and to consider venture capital as aspect of more general process. Overproduction of capital, including above mentioned trend to dollar mass returning back to the USA, makes global casino system factor of global economy where bubbles (overpricing of assets -  real estates, raw materials, stocks and bonds, indexes and derivatives) are pumping up and down.

Art of making of and operation by such bubbles becomes integral part of capital movement.

Thus one part of financial capital lives off another its part foredoomed to reduction or even elimination.

It means inequality inside capital (its heterogeneity even within its financial fraction), its fission into leading, active, owing to big oligarchic owners, and subordinate, passive, diffuse and owing to small owners as a rule, which is foredoomed to eating by leading.

Thus we can look behind curtain and see esoteric nature of Capital what is Domination (see part 13 "Theology of Capital") because under cover of apparent homogeneity of capital it is felt that there is subjective, personalized character of its active part moving capital as whole and it becomes clear disintegration of capitalist system which is unable to provide protection of capital as principle and clarifying its covert hierarchy.


Progress and science

This myth gets broken under close reading of the main economic law of capitalism.

Capital produces not for satisfying of human needs but for appropriation of surplus value, namely for abstract essence which is source of its growth but not corresponding with real society or human beings.

We can be admired with achievements of capitalist civilization but must understand that they all became real not for us but only for satisfaction of need of capital to grow.

As organic composition of capital grows this fact gets more and more brutal.

Capitalist system rejects real scientific and technological progress as threatening to its profit rate through growth of organic composition of capital and inhibits development of its periphery because of necessity to maintain its backwardness as condition of production of additional surplus value which now is only source of existence of capitalism.

Progress in the stage of absolute domination of capital comes to a stop and degenerates to capital moving  through circulation within needs generated by it and pressing this needs on, what looks like Hegelian infinite deadlock.

Science is used as screen for manipulation with bubbles of "high-tech companies" stocks becoming unvital simulacrum of power over Nature.

Quoting at high-tech stocks Capital gives itself out to be Lord of Matter. Thus we see degeneration of   Promethean impulse which was natural to Capital erstwhile.



Part 12

Social asymptote of absolute domination of capital


As it was said above attainment of absolute domination by capital was supposed by Marx as alternative but much less possible way of development of capitalist system.

It is transition of system to extreme (asymptotic) mode of functioning what is determined by unlimited increasing of organic composition of capital and vanishing of profit rate under growing of its gross.

It is simultaneously, on the one hand, realization and disclosure of all potencies of growth and development of the system and, on the other hand, depletion of socially constructive stimulus, motivation and sense of the growth. Here absolute power of capital turns into its absolute disability.

Increasing of power of capital goes hand in hand with its increasing decay of capitalism - the paradox which was not conclusively developed by Soviet social thought.

Supposing this scenario Marx, and it is quite naturally, didn't and couldn't see curious social phenomenon finalizing way of Capital to its absolute triumph - executed inside capitalist system expropriation of financial oligarchy which recently was realization and personification of the spirit of Capital and ruling class of global capitalist society.

But meanwhile it happens.

In the USA it was in 2000 as Clinton's Indian summer of Capitalism was finished with state authority takeover by family of Bushes based upon the American intelligence community and in Russia in the same year but half a year before since "former" KGB officer Vladimir Putin came in Kremlin.

It is important to underline wonderful similarity of both processes in the USA and Russia what we shall say about below.

Both cases were thoroughly prepared projects of switching of power out of previous holders' hands under disintegration of previous (financial) mechanisms of functioning of system.

Capitalism in its closed stage as it was said above makes society manipulated.

Capital manipulates usyng bribe

Here it meets some anthropological scope which it doesn't want to notice and accept. Despite absolute domination over society and individual to buy everything happens to be impossible. There is something mysterious in human soul what resists its charms.

Thus money and bribe is just one of variety of forms of ontological manipulation and falsification of nature.

To attain its goals entirely Capital seems to be made to use another modes of ontological manipulation. Here it uses chantage, agency and, in the last resort, liquidation (moral but at worst even physical) of its most hard contradictors.

Thus mechanism of functioning of Capital involves working of secret service, about what it is never said openly of course.

Anyway fact stays fact and it forms additional center of initiative and power, still subjected to the Main center of the system, financial oligarchy.

Applying manipulative technologies to real society requires initiative, self-motivation and other human features what leads to emancipation of humanity (not humanism!) and formation of self-identity and corporativism of Intelligence arising as alternative to monopoly on humanity owing to financial oligarchy.

To understand the nature of this process we should consider the question about significance of state in closing stage of capitalism.

It is double-natured.

From the one hand state is General Staff of social and economic planning which is main function of Capital.

This aspect prevails when architecture of the Mondialism was being built or system faced important challenges.

From the other hand winning Capital subjects state to it at once, turns state into unnecessary even as mouthpiece of common interests. It suddenly happens there are no any common interests for capitalists and it becomes clear that in the basis of capitalism lies absolutely particular source which only in mortal danger or in case of emergency is able to form common nature, collective interests and will.

Thus state becomes false leader staying under the battle of liberated private, particular predatory interests but it is unable to essential interposition and effective regulation.

It gives full scope for emancipation of secret services which start their own play deeply inside the system what becomes possible due to both overall weakening of control functions of state and direct maintaining of interests of capitalist groups out of eyeshot of state.

In the USA it became obvious in the course of Irangate scandal where out of governmental prohibition CIA performed complex multibillion transaction for the convenience of ruling circles. Scandal was smothered up because the operation was realized within strategy of containment of Communism and under exaltation of Reagan's struggle against the USSR followed by all fractions of ruling class of America. In other words it was in collective interests of the Establishment. But it was very impressive because enlightened all deepness of emancipation of Intelligence in the "most democratic" country of the world.

It must be said, in the USSR there was analogous process of autonomization of big state institutions (analogs of the American big corporations) and weakening and disintegration of state and centralizing functions of the Communist Party. This fact - unbelievable for the Soviet dissidents and watchers of the Soviet military parades - was pointed out by departed academician Yaremenko in his "Economic talks".

It is very likely that understanding risks and challenges of capitalist development led by liberal and cosmopolitic fraction of the American elite transforms in some groups of protestant elite of the USA into one or the other counter-projects which could become ideological basis of Intelligence emancipation.

As for the USSR, here the basis could be understanding in the beginning of 70-th by elite of KGB and some part of military elite inevitability of defeat in the Cold war after the West demonstrated potential of surviving in the course of successful negotiation of oil shock, keeping dollar as global currency after revocation of its gold backing and agreement between the USA and China was reached.

Under coexistence of hard conservatism and radical antisovietism in the late USSR it was pretty simple to predict response of the Soviet society on the impact of the Cold war - persistent rejection of social changes and finally collapse of the system.

In this case it was necessary to look for and ready postsoviet project which could provide functioning of state and society under the process of system collapse.

This paradigm was basis of so called "Andropov project" - total recruiting by KGB about all socially active part of adult generation of 70-th - 80-th and putting them forward to authority and business in 80-th - beginning of the 90-th subsequent to death of the main architect of the project.

On the downhill of the USSR KGB formed actually parallel elite of society which threw down under chekist supervision former one in the course of torpedoed by them Perestroika (Gorbachev's transformation of socialism) and liquidation of the USSR.

Despite all in 90-th following to the collapse of the USSR Intelligence in both the USA and former USSR had to live in the shadow.

America fell in victorious euphoria what gave gargantuan power to financial oligarchy leading process of mondialization which attained peak of its development.

In Russia invisible chekist power had to operate very carefully under at first reflux of mass energy from national idea as state lost its charisma and could not base itself upon society and at second direct relations of new Russian elite with deeply affined American liberal and cosmopolitic elite of Clinton era.

Those relations was serious impact to Chekism because they staggered relations installed with "Andropov project" and - notwithstanding could not break them - viced Chekist Order until it could unclench this grip with coming back of national idea and, having crushed YUKOS, brought new oligarchy to its level.

On my opinion in the USA analogous operation was terrorist attack of World Trade Center in New-York by which CIA, turning into new leader of the system, tried to subject financial oligarchy.

In both cases the reason was disintegration of operation mechanism and crisis of system built by financial oligarchy.

In Russia it was Default of 1998, in the USA it was Asian crisis of 1997 and coming global financial crisis which was long brewing and became very close with arising of European currency.

Takeover of state authority in 2000 and following to that terrorist attack in New-York allowed America to postpone crisis due to strong military and geopolitical initiative of postmodernist character known as "war against international terrorism".

Taking into consideration that very existence of financial oligarchy is based on its control over state mechanism, we can understand that having taken place dethronement of financial oligarchy is just its de-facto expropriation whatever political and legal forms it would have.

Lost its status, financial oligarchy becomes now tolerated in some scope servant of Intelligence. It is reality in both Russia and America demonstrated in the latter case by all course of last American president campaign where electioneering of Democracy seems to be only ritual action.

But birthmark of capitalist particularism is on Intelligence of capitalist system. Collectivism actualizes itself only in form of clannish one keeping particularism of the clan as it is.

Clan feels it has all the trumps in its hand but its sands are running out. It shall follow the way of all system which was succeed and kept with no changes.

To understand that it would be enough to look at predacious policy of chekist top in Russia and price policy of oil monopolies in the USA.

We should take into consideration the very nature of Intelligence make it unable to manage huge mechanism of governmental, social and economic regulation built by financial oligarchy on the basis of market mechanism of free choice and turnover of valuables including ideological products. That is why Secret services need to cooperate with dethronized financial oligarchy in limits which they strain to determine themselves meeting, of course, contrariety from the latter. This dualism is main reason of both maintaining of facade of the system and looks of hard inland struggle sometimes (now very often) throwing out of the facade.

Dethronement of financial oligarchy led in the USA to actual diarchy (behind curtain of democracy) due to its colossal social power and control of Dollar which is system formation factor of Pax Americana.

Through its affiliated organizations (really all civil society built yet by Morgan and Rockefeller) deposed oligarchy using Anaconda tactics tries to stifle CIA clan inspiring "intellectual search", antiwar movement and other activity based on postmodernism technologies.

Analogous process takes place also in Russia.

Taking into account that both CIA in America and Chekizm in Russia are not reformists but children of the system continuing its course, we can understand problems faced by such power which is not able to fight off this attack applying antisystem criticism.

In Russia we see Administration is fearful of rhetoric of "human rights" and "liberal democracy" and declare war on national oriented forces looking for compromise with operated by oligarchy comprador "civil society" element of which Chekizm really is.

Thus policy of Intelligence at the same time, from the one hand, postpones catastrophe using superficial centralization and mobilization of will of the system in the struggle for existence but, from the other hand, the very mobilization and attempts to subject financial oligarchy, which are still not intended to go out, closes all ways from deadlock, maximizes crisis and is some kind of termination code of the civilization from which very secret services emerged.

It is illustrated by both defeatist course of Chekizm in CIS (former the USSR) and suicidal for the USA policy of nation building which is unthinkable for financial oligarchy and top of Democracy (its agents).

Thus in each case seized power Secret services continue bung policy of their predecessors (actually led to their deposition) with much more hard insistence and inflexibility. It is right also about home policy.

Profound reasons of that lies in theological aspects of existence of Capital.



Part 13

Theology of Capital


In Discourse Capitalism: private and public (in Marxist and traditionalist outlook) penetrating Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin pointed out: It is visible, Capitalism has some profound aspect because its shadow affects aspects of civilization existence not just economic processes.

It is very reasonable remark. Capital changes not only civilization paradigm but also being of very human being, very anthropology.

Domination of materialized in means of production labour, dead labour over alive one makes domination in capitalist society manipulative. Dead Matter seems to be more powerful and perfect than alive, to be able to subordinate man to its laws, rhythms and needs.

This power, domination of the world of things over the world of men becomes clear when very the former one is driven by Capital.

Marx defines capital as self-increasing value growing in the course of capitalist reproduction through accumulation of surplus value and points out that independently on its material forms capital express relations between men allowing to realize this accumulation. Thus nature of capital is some social relation, just exploitation.

But we see that now Capital, having become free from shackles of commodities production and turnover, turns into  infinitely self-increasing fictitious capital whose moving already doesn't need to be mediated by material valuables. Thus Capital doesn't need recent social relations. So we should go farther Marx definition and start to search essence of capital in another, more profound levels of being.

Because Marxian formula doesn't allow to feel the very "profound aspect" and see its overcivilizational and overhuman activity. Dialectics of Capital in Marxism masks its Ontology.

What is the essence of Capital?

Russian writer of 30-th Mikhail Zoshenko wrote small tale about home quarrel of two inmates of typical apartment house of that time. In the course of potty conflict worker-maypole beat egghead-neighbor and prohibited him to walk at winner's windows. But right to use homeside territory inheres all inmates equally and this prohibition debased victim. Result of this conflict is shocking. Beaten egghead without any hope to revanche began to come daily at windows of his offender. At second and third days story was repeated. But at fourth day (our hero could do that in fourth time) offender despite absolute physical superiority didn't come out. He flinched, couldn't make yourself to go on nerve-strain of the battle. At fifth day he came to beg pardon and was big forgiven.

The tale is very interesting despite given by author as funny. But if we look through the shape we can see plot of Shakespeare scale. It is change of stages of struggle - attack, fear of total war and trying to reach compromise, break (denial) of compromise and winning.

Capital transforms human nature of its attendants. From proper to ordinary people motivation to compromise to superhuman will to its break promising win in the struggle for expansion without which capital is unthinkable.

The tale didn't draw the portrait of man which was weak physically but warrior in spirit. Besides that his activity was motivated by defense of his caliber and rights but just aggressor was "ordinary", compromising person. It slurs over tragedy and turn it into just home incident.

Despite that our hero is quite adequate model of personality of attendant of Capital.

Natural essence in human soul requires to look for peace and harmony with another human beings. We feel blessing when reach harmony of coexistence, reaching compromise. It is sources of Live and Love inset into us by Creator.

But Capital requires from its attendants to drown the voice of nature inside and to follow its call.

No compromises when serving Me - he orders. And who goes for this call becomes essentially different, transformed man, properly speaking even not man at all. This is Sacred of Satan. Core of his personality becomes Will to Power called in Capitalist mythology Freedom behind which we can feel Hatred and Death.

It must be said, motive of passing through interhuman equilibrium point and break of compromise, traced to Biblical story about fell execution of rued and purged his blame man (Genesis, 34), due to Hollywood has important place in the American mass-culture.

Just such people in the USA replied on the Soviet struggle for peace: there are more important things. Just they attacked ready to compromise USSR previously promising help and worthy status in new world order and then initiated execution of capitulated Russia.

What future these people prepare for us we can see from revelation of one of most daemonic figures of this line - Jacque Attali (Lines of Horizon), former president of EBRD and advisor of French president Mitterand:

It will be new order having a little to share with known to us since the 2-nd half of XX century. Future of mankind will be determined by new generation of winners - they will break away any national and family affections displacing all that with minicomputers. They will become powerful nomads associated by wishes, ambitions, avidity and fantasy, They will knock about planet, "kill" free time, buy for money any goods and exquisite feelings. But even in most developed countries not everybody will receive their portion of wealth under new order. Majority of population of the USA and Europe will become losers - weak and poor "pawns" which will be only eyewitnesses of omnipotence and orgy of minority with no entry to palaces and luxurious skyscrapers. Yet worse portion will be for billions in poor countries. Hundreds millions  children will die there from hunger and diseases until 5 years old. No one lets poor to have worth life, they will smother in toxic atmosphere but nobody will pay attention. All horrors of XX century will fade on this background!

Power is, as we can see, essence of Capital which is  form of its actualization and terrestrial, thisworldly  manifestation of the being of Devil.

Capital can actualize itself in both its mediated but long ordinary monetary (value) form and its direct form as  power (power resource).

In categories of Aristotelian (metaphysical) philosophy we can say that substance of capital is objectivated labour but its form (active, driving force) is Power.

Famous formula of Marx Money Commodity Money  in its ontological generalization which is actual in close stage of capitalism, when Money emancipates and fictitious capital arises, should be rewritten as  Money - Power - Money (capital is self-increasing using power resource of capitalist state), and next as Power - Money Power (capital subordinates state and dismantles monetary skin).

This generalization makes clear status of power resource of Intelligence in capitalist system. It is not discount (getting cash) of Power, this is uncloaking by capital of its monetary mask (Revelation of the Mystery of Iniquity) and coming back to its origins lying in epoch of original accumulation.

But this transformation fatal for capitalist system.

Essence of capital is power (and here we can understand that alienation of its bearer from power is equal to, as it was said above, expropriation - in its hands there is only dead material shape of capital, its "body") but form of its self-actualization is Freedom. First and foremost this is freedom of turnover.

Monetary form of capital allows to compound these conflicting aspects of its being.

Self-revelation of capital is in the same time its ruination. Because its direct actualization (as power) destroys freedom of sides of the process of its own reproduction.

Capital arises as result of expropriation of non-capitalist media and finalizes its being with expropriation but it can not be expropriator itself in the course of process of self-reproduction.

Tragical evolving of this contradiction we can see in present day American epopee on Middle East.

Devil "forget" to tip its attendants that break of based on Love and Compromise equilibrium, followed by win, is just intermediate point on the way to hell.

Maybe this foreboding could explain pathological interest of Anglo-Saxon elite to Theology by which the world gendarme and robber try to find stop point to avoid ready for them abyss.

But present American experience teaches us to vanity of such efforts. Absorbing, falsifying human nature Capital doesn't leave even straw to catch at last moment.

Crash of the American Empire is determined by ruination of the USSR.

Maybe because Americans have more primitive religious feeling. It is not strange: Devil drowns it with Magic.

Magic (magi-creative potential in terms of Alexander Dugin) of Capital is one else aspect of its daemonic being.

It was said above about falsifying nature of Capital, it produces just and only value without respect to specific of producing commodity (use-value) which only stands (here) as а carrier, as a material shell for the produced value.

Subordination of the process of production not to satisfaction of human needs but another aims which are attainable and attaining through abstract leveling and symbolical annulment of reality (revealing of value aspect of commodity) is fundamental feature of capitalism but its unnaturality stays invisible till it meets human needs as given and satisfies them.

But in stage of absolute domination capital subordinates even consumption. Since that moment capital  movement retires into its shell and real progress stops.

Thus capital gets to trap of its wrong ontology to fetch away from which it is already unable.

Here it can only parody creature and simulate reality what in the long run is also exertion of Will to Power rejecting real life as independent source, aspiring to mortify life (society, individual) to get full control over inorganic body (disjointed, simulated phenomenon).

Here we should point out that magic of Capital is essentially different, more powerful but more irredeemable than traditional magic practice.

In traditional approach aim of seeker of power is to find mystic name of a thing or entitle it to get control.

Capital does not only give name to things ('brand") but goes farther correlating it with some absolute, rates, give a price to things.

Having obtained its price thing disappears as bearer of any features and qualities (excluding given price) for Capital. Value throws off shell of use-value.

This way leads to much more extent of capital domination over the world of things and to "materialization", objectivation of man. Actually this is very technology of absolute domination.

But back side of this process is mortification of a thing (human being), rooting it away from natural variety of relations and interdependences, turning into simulacrum of itself and maintaining exclusively process of capital movement.

Thus Will to Power is Will to Death.

Having actualized this will, Capital unfolds its being postmortem as the World of Illusions.

We can also understand source of magic of Capital.

Below I cite fragment from above mentioned Discourse of Alexander Dugin:

Part 4. Magi-creative potential of Capital.

1. Capital is similar to matter prima (pracrity in Hinduism) also by ability to create its own world. But world procreated by pracrity is mayia, equivocal power hierophany. World created by Capital is Spectacle, Show. Like penetrative ontological eyesight of Hinduist or Buddhist traditionalists distinguishes falsehood in our material world, world of mayia, wheel of sansarah, keen vision of Marxist critics, such as George Batai or Gi Debor, discerns fictitious nature of Society of Spectacle.

2. Capital creates Society of Spectacle like Pracrity does Worlds of Mayia.

3. What is Illusiveness of worlds of mayia for traditionalists? This is because of Part sets up for Whole, Fragment for something perfect. Tradition views Individual, human ego as Illusion, source of aberration, mistake about true nature of reality, as covering of Higher, archetypical "Self" which is free from deforming affects of individualizing matter.

4. What is Illusiveness of created by Capital Society of Spectacle for Marxists? This is because Capital falsifies social life and participation of Individual in something more than himself, turns real participation and empathy into screen imitation, ensemble of simulacrums.

Capital, reducing all variety of real world to quantitative (value) aspect, falsifies world of human (social) relations, erases margins between Good and Evil, Truth and Lie which in capitalist optics are estimated in one dimension - through degree of closeness to the vital core of capitalist system - to Capital.

Evil and falsehood become quite ordinary means to reach success which now is justifying only by itself (capitalist parody on stoic philosophy)

On the downhill of Capitalism with its hunger of profit immediately and by all means we see awesome sight of overall plot against commonweal balanced and masked only by monopoly of big business in this area.

Anyway we should have in view that famous scale of Marx - 100 per cent. profit will make capital ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent., and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, even to the chance of its owner being hanged - under fall of profit rate essentially boils down and correct partnership in the world of capital is just a moment, interlude on the way to final falsehood which increases profit rate of more sophisticated partner, particularly if it is monopolist in its field.

But this pessimism is not absolute.

Era of total domination of Capital is terminating beneath our eyes, leaving as Pole-Star corollary that salvation can be only collective and separate is perdition.

But if collective salvation proves impossible, Victim will be saved because independently on reasons his rebate is offering to God.

This offering, as we know from Holy Writ, the Lord gives back with generosity.



Part 14

Disintegration of capitalism


Absolute domination of Capital upon a closer view is so illusive as created by Capital world. It is superficial because despite its pretensions it is unable to absorb all aspects of social life and throws out more and more people and phenomena to and beyond roadside of operated by Capital reality.

These processes were considered by Marx in his concept of Industrial Reserve Army formation and growth of overflow of population.

In the stage of Mondialism considered forces effect on global scale on joint of nations, civilizations and cultures.

Growth of technical composition of capital and therefore of its organic composition is followed by

Founding on that basis, Marx formulated capitalist law of population: working population, producing capital accumulation, produces by this on the grand scale means which make them relatively overabundant population.

Thus the very nature of capitalist system forms army of unemployed and relative overflow of population which in the stage of Mondialism (one world-system) becomes global and get non-Western cultural and civilization features of capitalist periphery.

Only this way we can explain formation of zones of stagnation and autarchy ("insolvent states", "dead"  territories,  retired into their shell communities of semi-natural economy in depth of capitalist metropolis, enclaves of compact inhabitation of immigrants in big cities, etc.) isolating from "global society" entire regions and huge mass of people following to its own way.

Just these masses and regions decrease cohesion of "One world" continually boiling down to only aggregate of world megacities and are the very bearers of feudal trends which are inside of capitalism of its mondialist stage. They also can become participants of antiglobalist actions, critical quasireligious cults and other forms of mind, another destructive phenomena including terrorism.

Really capitalism reproduces on the new, global basis its internal proletariat.

But forming on the one pole pauperism and overcrowding, capitalism makes demographic collapse on another pole - in its metropolis.

Raising children in metropolis of capitalism is too expensive from standpoint of capital which goes by tendency to reach maximal current profit what leads to fall of wages below level that is necessary for reproduction of labour force over generations.

Eating unborn children capital finds solution in import of labour power from peripheral countries where there is excess of that with no traditional social protection.

Thus great mixer of nations is turned on.

But like in Rome thousands years ago this policy sharpens social conflicts and unfixes political system in very metropolis.

Culmination of crisis of capitalist system is its geopolitical break.

Interimperialist contradictions in Mondialist stage are sublated and their second edition is not sharpening of old rivalry between the USA and "Old Europe" (despite there are socio-cultural friction and historical roots which are exploder of the process) but is sign of destruction of system of One World.

Bank interest under fall of profit rate of capitalist production is more and more becoming factor inhibiting  producing activity and devastating industry as it was in precapitalist epoch with usury. Core reason of break of the Western unity is that the USA and Europe actualize two coming into collision components of present capital -  financial and industrial ones with all spectrum of inherent to these branches social, economic, political, ideological, cultural and so on features. Europe gasps in hug of the American liberalism, estranges itself from culture of operated biorobots, is shocked with primitive military politics. All that creates civilization distance and makes sides too differently oriented to reach compromise.

Global character of main contradictions of capitalism, its driving forces and mechanisms of downhill in its closing stage and their actualization in intercivilization forms make us to seek scenario of its collapse out of the West, on the frontline of clash of the West with non-Western civilizations where absolute domination of capital (here it is Western capital) is most superficial and attackable what could be illustrated with famous speech of Mahathir Mohammad on Organization of Islamic Conference. Civilization-ram doesn't hide its mission of external for the West as civilization and internal for global capitalism proletariat.

Parallel scenario, superimposed on the above mentioned one, is not formation (social and economic) but civilization dying of the West itself where cave processes in consciousness of human being and society named "postmodernism" (faddy, split mind of "Homo Luddens"), which are determined by absorption of individual and society (including Western quasiproletariat) by capital attained absolute domination, irreversibly mortify will to Life, searching of Sense, cultural Identity and traditional Values, raising of which is - properly speaking - civilization.

And despite resources of mondialist development of capitalism are not fully depleted (oil in the case of more reasonable policy of the USA could remain for some period of time relatively inexpensive and China is still interested to supply its cheap labour to the West) this reserve doesn't save capitalism - its collapse only in the long run is determined by tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Like it happens with alive organism, death comes earlier than organism (society, system) depletes its resource of vitality - once termination code, affecting most assailable point (for both the West and Russia it is political leadership), is switched on. Thus resources availability doesn't save system degenerating in socially-psychological aspect faster than in economic.

If postmodernist transformation of mind is irreversible (about what we can not say with decision), we can make conclusion about unity of formation and civilization depleting of the West analogously how it was in Roman empire. Then feudalism and capitalism of the West should be considered as single line of development of the Western civilization of V XX centuries finalizing by collapse analogously to fall of Rome in V century with new spire of History on another ethnic and civilization basis.

Awesome dream of the West about expropriation of expropriators (that is realized inside the Western civilization itself, which Marx supposed identical to capitalism as such, and as prolongation of its line of development) seems rather lost chance.

Thinking about prospects of contemporary Western world one would like to ask - whether there is chance to transform itself peacefully.

Probably yes.

Soft landing in form of Convergence (megaproject of European elite) could keep Western society, setting civilization aspect against formation one and social/state aspect against private/capitalist one.

But instead of necessary "left renaissance" after suppression of revolution of 1968, rightists turn teethed slipping into Neoconservative revolution of the end of 70-th which mobilized rest of development resources for extensive growth of capitalism with its exaltation of individualism instead of essential transformation of the system.

Thus domination of society over capital came amiss, the other way round, Capital actualized its absolute domination.

Challenge of History West responded with remake but not act of civilization creation. It was fatal response.

Responsibility for this turn, depleting now resources of the West in the course of unfolding of the Mondialist stage of capitalism and determining its inevitable downhill, rests with the Establishment of the USA responded the challenge of Roman club with formation of Trilateral Commission of Rockefeller.

Now Western civilization is losing status of vanguard of mankind and its survival seems to be possible only on the way of intercivilization dialogue and denial of messianic pretensions which actually are only predatory exploitation of resources of all mankind.



Part 15

Termination code of capitalist system


We can now understand nature of termination code of capitalist system: it is fission and clash of its financial and power centers.

But in Russia Chekizm is not single element of "power center" of the system and just temporary becomes its dominating element. This status is seized due to closeness to centers of decision making but having no military power, what is main factor of power resource and basis of statehood, it can consolidate domination only as mouthpiece of collective interests of all "power center".

Either in Russia or in America it seems not to happen.

In both cases secret services forgot to share heritage, moreover put on a semblance that there had not been any heritage at all despite very army makes main contribution in maintaining of statehood.

In Russia contradictions between KGB and military top is quite clear.

More strong and stable American political system reeves less similar signals from its entrails but friction between command of military forces bleeding in Iraq and Administration of Bush counting oil profits became already public.

What points out on complexity, instability of position of seized power group.

Probably CIA has similar problems with Military Forces what is not surprising because aerocarriers are guarantor of global status of the American dollar.

Maybe, of course, white protestant elite in the USA more integrated due to Dollar but this factor can be ruined when Dollar falls.

Then battle is inevitable, in Russia it already begins.

And in the course of this battle seems to be very possible alliance of military top with deposed but not ruined yet old oligarchy against upstarts from secret service.

Final of this scenario lies beyond edges of capitalist system functioning.



Part 16



Our consideration would be incomplete if we didn't take into account such important part of global capitalist system as its external proletariat, analog of barbarians of Roman periphery whose invasion in combination with uprising of "internal proletariat" - Roman slaves - destroyed Roman empire.

External proletariat of the global capitalist system, as it seems me, is Russia.

At first glance it seems to be a paradox - Russia is integrated in contemporary world, ally of the USA in "struggle against international terrorism", member of G8 and so on.

But having looked into deeper we see another view.

First of all it is worthy of attention that processes of deposition of financial oligarchy by power center of the system are typically similar in both countries (see part 12 of present work). No one else country something like this happens. Turnover of democratic governments and military regimes has never raised a question about local domination of the top of comprador bourgeoisie integrated in the system of global capitalism led by financial oligarchy of the USA. But in Russia it was deposed from leading positions in society despite keeps illusory economic domination.

This is very significant fact.

It indicates Russia within its social and economic system actualized in 1992 - 2000 years such development circle  as global one for about the same period (Clinton's presidency) was done on the global scale (despite being localized in metropolis of the global capitalist system).

It shows prevailing significance of internal driving forces in development of the Russian society despite all its integration (which seems to be illusive) in global market and "world democracy".

Otherwise scenario of the process would be not identical to the American (and global at the same time) one but would be just its element and we would not see such deep transformation of society as realized in Russia since 2000.

Core of Soviet-Russian civilization is more powerful than external influences and country reacted on crash of mechanism of operation (financial) changing it to another one and replacing elite fraction with one realizing different mechanism.

Here we see principal difference of Russia from Latin American or South-Eastern countries, which fell into world conjuncture depths entirely.

Presence of forces which was ready to and successfully realized control over comprador civil society and subordination of its - yet yesterday looking omnipotent - financial elite means fundamental independency of Russia as subject of international policy, whichever tactical compromises on current problems it would accepts.

It should draw attention that as a result of Default of 1998 striking death-blow on Russian financial oligarchy Russia was not met claims like Brady plan in Latin America according to which international creditors (transnational banks) received shares of companies of countries-debtors.

It seems "world community" knew about unreality of such plans in Russia.

Russia is real subject, whatever accidental facts would cover it, what is basic point of understanding of its  nature.

And this nature looks essentially different from all known before civilization and cultural forms.

Below is how great Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev described Russia and Russian nation in his book Russian Idea (ch.1):

Russian nation are extremely polarized, it is superposition of contrasts ....... Ambivalence and complexity of Russian soul maybe is determined  that in Russia two streams of  the world history encounter and interact each other - East and West. Russian nation is neither purely European nor purely Asian. Russia is true continent, giant East-West, it links these two worlds. And always in Russian soul there was struggle between two origins - Eastern and Western.

There is correspondence between immensity, infinity of Russian land and Russian soul, between physical geography and spiritual one. In Russian soul there is such immensity, infinity as in Russian plain. That is why it was difficult for Russian nation to take possession of this huge space and form it. Russian nation has great power of spontaneity and relative weakness of form. Unlike Western European nations Russians was not nation of culture par excellence, it was nation of revelations and inspirations which doesn't feel proportions and run to extremities. Western European nations have much more determined and formed being, everything is parted by categories and finite. Not so Russians as less determined and more fronted to infinity who denies categorization. In Russia there were no extreme social edges, distinguished classes. Russia had never been aristocratic in the Western sense and didn't become bourgeois. Two opposite origins put in the foundation of Russian soul: natural, paganish Dionysian force and ascetically-monastic Orthodoxy. We can find opposite features in Russian nation: despotism, etatism and anarchism, liberty; cruelty, appetite to violence and kindliness, humaneness; ritualism and looking for truth; individualism, subtilized feeling of personality and impersonal collectivism; nationalism and universalism; deep religious feeling and superficial godliness; quest of the God and militant atheism; humility and impudence; slavery and riot. But Russian realm has never been bourgeois and defining character of Russian nation and its mission one should make choice which I shall call eschatological, having in view final aim.

Here we should newly appeal to theological aspects of visible reality.

Berdyaev's picture is panorama of Chtonic origin lying in foundation of Russian soul, its realization in her.

Chtonicity is precosmic, primordial chaotic condition of Being and simultaneously fullness of creative potential creating world, cosmos affected by Logos, Divine modeling impulse. This is primordial water upon the face of which the Spirit of God moved before Creature and which didn't disappear afterwards but was just displaced beyond its borders. This element is older than the World created by the God of Bible.

Just this creative and at the same time destructive primordial Chaos feeds roots of Russia whose branches are attracted by light of passing verities modeling from time to time its being.

Thus we can understand origin of creative force and nature of recreative potential of Russian nation reviving like Phoenix each time when one or another modeling idea dies and generated by it state and social order collapses.

Russia is always balance of Chaos and Cosmos, Chtonic and Logic.

Chtonicity is source of immortality of Russia and Russian soul.

Heaven and earth transit - as it says the Writ and as many nations did - but Russia doesn't until plunges into this source of eternal life.

Going into the stream of world history and accepting ideas of epochs Russia, imitating and miming, has never brimed with them and always keeps places impenetrable for these ideas and forms of order in its mind and being. Taking alien forms Russia always stays itself and thus avoids ontological catastrophe followed by ideological crash. Chtonic waters wash down all layers of "civilization and culture", bare forever young face of Russian soul and clear space for new experiment.

The same fate befell in Russia liberal idea together with capitalist mode of social order which furthermore were introduced near the end of their vitality and due to appeal to most sordid desires and features of human nature.

Superficial adoption of both ideology and practice of contemporary capitalism is brightly shown by extreme inequality of income of social groups and regions, growth of pauperism, comprador and raw material orientation of economy, illegality of privatized property, distrust of people to political institutions and mechanisms, uprising of dissatisfaction with prospects of development and left climate, break of ruling elite and so on factors exhibiting denial of result of capitalist reforms of 90-th.

But at the same time Russia kept the core of the Soviet civilization and Russian mentality, there are revival of traditional religions and human values of nations inhabited in Russia and uprising of patriotic feelings, educational level and housing standard are still high enough to keep great masses of population social, there are raw material resources, high technologies and at last nuclear weapon.

Thus Russia is weakness in the network of Mondialism.

Like hundred years ago its integration is superficial and very attackable whereas there are enough resources to challenge capitalist system and offer alternative of bung capitalist order for all humankind.

Russia has gone through very painful social and economic transformation and political correction. These are nullification of inflationary savings, social and geopolitical liabilities, trial of market under stable geopolitical conditions, sophisticated manipulation of mind in mass-media and so on. But Russia saves itself from main tragedy of the West - postmodernist and hedonist transformation of personality.

Now Russia concentratedly comes back to its roots and looks for new way to the Future.

But on this way there is one serious problem - Chekizm (fellowship of former KGB sons).



Part 17

Chekizm - paramilitary masonry


This is worth of tool of Michelangelo and pencil of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Chekizm is Russian-Soviet form of considered above phenomenon of secret services influence on contemporary society and politics of its ruling class, what in its top developed phase turns top of the State Security system (whichever current brand it would use to act) into actually ruling class and subordinates it political system of society.

Taking into account limitation of resources and determined by that Communist party monopoly on social activity in the Soviet society, method of bribe used by the Western financial oligarchy in its policy of integration of socially active subjects in built by it civil society was displaced (maybe not entirely) by method of unconstrained enforcement.

Most ambitious and unappeasable people made their way as dissidents (following to strictly determined rules of playing) and went to realize acquired political capital to the West.

But socially oriented part of active generations of 70-th was about completely involved into network of agents and informers of KGB (intelligencers). This policy was being realized, of course, by approbation of party apparatus which didn't see another way under the Cold War and ideological pressure from the West. It was organization basis of so called "Andropov project", as sometimes one calls ascribed to Andropov plan of modernization of the Soviet society, which (in its reality we can not doubt) was true basis of following failure of Perestroika, deposition of Communist Party, crash of the USSR and coming of Chekizm in Big Power after successful setting a control over processes and institutions of social reforms of 90-th.

Just Chekizm, standing behind curtain of new-Russian bourgeoisie which now is played off fifth column (but real fifth column was and is Chekizm itself), used unregulated slump of ruble for taking under control of its agents privatized state property. Similarly now, using WTO and entire liberalization of foreign trade, it supposes to finalize this process getting control over defense industry system where its agents was not admitted for 90-th and first half of 2000-th and which now is leader and center of consolidation of all Russian heavy industry.

Absorbing best cadre in country and putting agents forward to controls Chekizm becomes one of the most important channel of vertical social mobility. Inspiring among fellows feeling of peculiarity and specific aspects of mind ("transcendental consciousness") Chekizm becomes some analog, modern case of Military-Knight Order.

It seems to be reasonable that philosopher Alexander Dugin called them Tampliers of Proletariat.

800 years ago Tampliers emerging from Christianity, to defend which with naked sword they were dedicated, in search of power under originating them world denies its Christian foundations and bowed to Satan.

Analogously chekists, sons of workers and peasants - most soviet and at the same time most detracted sphere in the Soviet system - making its peculiar caste, in substance countersociality, at least for unity should deny values of surrounding them Soviet world, at least on the top level of the Order. For middle and low levels such mutation would be back-breaking burden, fraught with inevitability of revelation of chekist treason by party apparatus thus for them there was kept traditional ideology complemented with feeling of fighting brotherhood in opposition to enemies of state and party what cemented all levels and fractions of this system in one organism (Order).

We can also see distinct and continual position of the Order putting forth for all Soviet history.

Its archfounder Felix Dzerjinsky was active supporter of NEP, Lenin's New Economic Policy of capitalist elements adoption in 1921 - 1927. Already then his pupils capitally realized technologies of infiltration in structures of capitalist economy and control over its mechanisms. So 90-th was from this viewpoint just second edition of 20th.

 It seems chekists assistance was key factor of win of Lenin's course to NEP despite total opposition of party apparatus whose position was seriously worsened with that reform. Whether this factor (chekist invasion in politics) can explain permanent accusations of party leaders from the side of internal party oppositions in using of gendarme methods and provocations for political aims

Death of Dzerjinsky in 1926 allowed in next year to start liquidation of NEP but attraction of Chekizm to capitalist model continued.

Beria after Stalin's death offered to stop socialism in Eastern Europe, accept Plan of Marshall and restore NEP. Then he failed. It was finished by tanks on Lubyanka.

But this strategy was realized later, after death of its architect Yuri Andropov raising in the bosom of his project about all known today actors of liberal wing of Russian society.

Of course it was not only his personal project but realization of some tendency evolving since 60th - 70th from inside Soviet ruling class. He just linked it with external impulses proceeding from architects of Mondialism and suppressed alternative way of modernization of the USSR potentially possible on the basis of Russian national revival leaning on nationally oriented cadre of the Soviet top class.

As Andropov said: Main our concern is Russian nationalism, dissidents are no problem, we catch them for one night.

Perhaps these his fears predestined inscrutable death of Masherov and Kulakov - most significant representatives of socialist modernization of the USSR.

Below is cited points 11-14 of Theses of A.Dugin for Russian Parliament of 2001 enlightened some offscreen mechanisms of crash of the USSR:

11. What were those intellectual centers which generated conceptions that being delegated to Soviet leaders brought collapse?

It is absurd to see here only CIA residents, there were too little such ones and in ideological sphere it was rara avis.

All party was played more delicately.

They involved some of analytical centers of the Soviet establishment in dialogue looking like objective and concerning about future of all humankind.

Western institutes pushed thought that prolongation of ideological opposition is fraught with catastrophe.

There were developed theories of Convergence, Ecology, Peaceful Coexistence, Detente. Gradually it seems that danger comes from radicalism of ideological opposition but not from objective logic of difference of civilization approach.

Thus Western participants of the dialogue had aim to minimize residual and fragmentary stagnating aspects of geopolitics of Soviet elite and reduce all the problem to ideological opposition.

12. In that sphere since 70-th there were series of actively operated Soviet scientists, top officers of KGB, part of top executives of Communist party.

Main conceptual base of those operations was Institute for System Researches and personally its head Jermen Gvishiany who was main representative of the USSR on needing nice handling negotiations with Roman Club and Trilateral which are real planning centers of all Western civilization. Trilateral, Bildelberg Club and Council on Foreign Relation are actual center of decision making and geopolitical operation by processes on global scale.

In administration of KGB this line was supervised by personally Andropov and Philip Bobkov, founder of ideological department.

In administration of Communist party those were Kosygin, father-in-law of Gvishiany. It is representative that sister of Gvishiany married Primakov.

Translators of those ideas were Arbatov from Institute of the USA and Canada, administration of CEMI and Alexander Yakovlev.

13. It is representative that just in Institute for System Researches there was given start of careers of Berezovsky and Gaydar.

14. Conductor of Institute for System Researches plans was Gorbachev. It was realized through system of advisors - Yakovlev, Shakhnazarov (author of mondialist manifesto "Global community is operable"), Chernov, Arbatov, in economic sphere - Shatalin, Aganbegian.

He realized practically project of "saving of mankind" by cut of  ideological opposition.

According to models of Roman Club and Trilateral submitted to Moscow it was enough to launch new peaceful stage of mankind development.

Significance and activity of Andropov of course was not limited by organization maintenance questions.

Georgyi Arbatov refreshes his memory: First time I heard family Gorbachev from Andropov in 1977, in spring ... Andropov said Did you hear, for example, such family Gorbachev? Reply: No. - Too bad. But pretty new people raised, on which we can actually set our hopes on future.

This is world outlook standpoint determined by deep nature of headed by him System.

Thus now we should recognize as convincing old, of beginning of 90-th idea of Alexander Dugin about atlantist nature of KGB directly called by Geydar Gemal agents of New world order forces on the territory of the USSR (and now CIS).

We can dispute was this nature original, taking into consideration birth conditions of the System, or acquired later, on the downhill of the Soviet project in reply on the impact of its degradation, but facts are non-ductile and show that  KGB one way or another externalizes antinational pro-Western forces in Russia despite all its sovereign rhetoric and patriotic gestures.

On the way of this force to total domination over Russia there are heritage of the Soviet civilization standing. These are heavy industry, army, scientific and educational complex and sphere of social protection.

Thus there is small wonder about attacks of chekist regime on these foundations. As long as they are maintained Society keeps chance of unruled development and therefore arising of antisystem forces and dangerous for chekist power alliances.

Looking carefully we see that in contradistinction from Socialism Chekizm is not directed to social protection or equity and unlikely Capitalism Chekizm is not aimed to enterprise of people or effectiveness of economy. Chekizm is directed to only one thing, on omnipotence of its top, interests of which are identified with ones of state or, correctly speaking, is put over state.

 Thus Chekizm becomes Deadlock of History from which It tries to break through by total marginalization of society what should make it absolutely manipulated.

Otherwise we can not understand absurd from national standpoint entrance in WTO, reform of housing economy, ruin of science and attack on medicine and education.

Why Russia does need to enter WTO? To meet dictate of rules of playing (price-making principles and structure of prices which are main base of competitive position of the West)? But now Russia can dictate rules itself being foremost and stable holder of raw materials, nuclear weapon and located near strategically important for the West regions.

Entrance WTO is measure of scale comparable with beginning of Reforms in 1992.

It is raise raw materials and energy prices up to unacceptable for inland economy global level and unruled competition of overcheap Chinese production or Chinese labour which is paid accordingly very different civilization standard.

And, like then, this measure should be accompanied with package of agreements not with WTO (this is just  paper work) but with center of global capital, financial community of the USA about market niches, business lines, investments and credits. It is determined by planning nature of contemporary capitalism and out of those agreements this step is equivalent to suicide.

But sharpening of crisis of capitalism in closing stage makes American elite unable to keep agreements especially in the case of its break and internal confrontation and also hostile attitude of its financial fraction (financial oligarchy) towards Putin's administration after ruinaton of YUKOS.

We also should take into consideration that similar agreements took place about beginning of Reforms of 90th but Russian elite was foully defrauded. From Gorbachev we know that there was verbal contract about NATO non-proliferation on the East and from Gayder we can conclude about promise of 24 billion stabilization credit of IMF to support ruble (Russian currency) in the course of liberalization of prices.

Promises were broken. Former was openly denied by the Western leaders, latter was just "forgotten" by their handy man.

Instead Russia faced geopolitical pressure, open pumping resources out and disrupting of economic potential to prevent its revival in future.

This strategy shows criminal and destructive part of the American elite in the world which was pointed out yet by Mark Twain (we are Anglo-Saxons and when Anglo-Saxon needs something he goes and takes).

But in the light of said above about nature of Chekizm either prices liberalization without  oxygen mask of stabilization credit or entering WTO without business plan are quite not absurd.

As it was said above entrance WTO allows to wash down, to ruin process industry including controlled by "red directors" (left-oriented part of directors corps continuing from the Soviet times) and to increase internal prices and energy up to global level.

It allows:

1) to break internal technological net around defense industry system;

2) to put defense industry corporations in full dependency from fuel and raw materials corporations which are under chekist control;

3) to ruin all middle business as potential danger for chekist power;

4) to ruin that part of big business which is basis of "red directors" and out of chekist control;

5) to transfer economic niches and productive capacity disengaged in result of shock to foreign capital which, being in the Western metropolis, is politically neutral and still more effective and law-abiding.

And despite it would be scorched earth and ruin of sociality in Russia, in result chekist power could get ideally manageable social system: brazilization, in more hard case - estate system (in extreme composed  from two strata like eloyans and morlocks of Herbert Walls), raw materials and fuel export, import of manufactured goods and American dollar as instrument integrating goods and financial flows. In prospect they could be assigned junior gendarme and supplier of cannon-fodder for Pax Americana out of which this paradise is unthinkable.

Thus Chekizm is social poaching of world historical scale casting away social and culture matter of great country in order to exploit its natural resources in egoistic aims of the top of chekist corporation.

Recently I knew that Chekizm, adhering its Atlantist nature, is incubating much more dangerous plan.

Considering nationally oriented officers corps as mortal danger for chekist plans and remembering historical experience of debacle of chekist leaders with Beria at the head by military force, Chekizm intends to make absolutely operated parallel military forces (something like Peter's funny regiments - pseudomilitary units of playmates of young Peter the Great or Hitler's storm-troopers) with gradual transformation them into full-range military units and casting away all present officers corps as absolutely unusable for chekists aims.

Scarcely we can wait to see effective army, taking into account creativity of present regime, but liquidation of really battle-seasoned this army is quite possible. Afterwards there would be no barriers either to integration of Russia in Pax Americana or throwing down of chekists by their American partners like it was done with the USSR and Communist party.

But present days situation essentially differs from one of the beginning of the Reforms in 1992. Then people were first of all overcome by idea of individual saving (way to perdition as it was known later) and for chance to take risk to build life independently despite domination of technical infrastructures and grand economic processes were ready to pay any cost (degradation of these infrastructures and archaization of economy became part of this cost what defends all expenses of predacious and robbery reforms including insupportable and removable) but now historical megatrend and vector of social mind have been redirecting in opposite side. Now shock of entrance WTO will be mortal, finalize epoch of reforms of 90-th and bulldoze place for further historical creating.

I didn't think also that under progressive decay of wallowing in contradictions chekist power it could have enough power and determination to push experiments in military forces building.

But whichever gambit would make this regime, which already trying to go back from WTO, its essence is erstwhile:

Chekizm is paramilitary masonry.

But n contradistinction from its Western "civil" analog, Chekizm has reduced creativity and cut version of "Will to Power" (will to ordinary control),  what determines its inferiority complex and captation before "true bosses".

Thus its win is national catastrophe for Russia.

But this win is as impossible as win of America in war for global domination. Being historical deadlock Chekizm is fated as all world capitalist system whose integral part (translator of its policy and settings in Russia) he is. Its collapse will follow to fall of America or will be caused by further growth of national self-consciousness what will lead to emerging of new forces, leaders and programs on Russian political arena in opposition to chekist plan of brazilization.




Part 18




Protoplast of near future of Russia is, for a wonder, its nearest past.

As it was said above, under, from the one hand, growth of organic composition of capital and fall of profit rate in industry, especially in heavy mechanic engineering one, and, from the other hand, getting up of natural resources (especially fuel) relatively finished products, it becomes fundamental economic necessity to realize "value transfer" directed to heavy industry (transfer to this sector of value produced in raw material sectors and/or external sources) without what the former becomes unprofitable.

In global capitalist system this problem is solved by using special mechanism of redistribution of value called "price scissors" (considered above) and transfer of production to lower expenses countries namely due to external resource inflow. In socialist economy of the USSR planning apparatus decreased raw materials prices by directive. In contemporary Russia the problem is not solved and can not be done at all under domination of comprador regime but is regularly discussed in form of problem of redistribution of raw materials rent.

Decisions around this problem is true system formation factor of all Russian home policy.

This regime derived from previous decade strategy directed on break of nets of such transfer and redirection (capitalization) of unleashed value to out of the country. This policy determined  crisis in heavy industry, first of all in defense industrial system, deindustrialization of society and chronic social crisis.

It should be understood that revolution of 90-th was exalted attempt to break natural course of evolution of the Soviet society engineered by known forces in situation of total disappointment with social system of those days and yearnings of capitalist miracle.

As it was shown by European revolutionary experience, reaction on broken evolution is restoration. This is inexorable logic of historical process and question is only in what forms and how deep it will be realized.

Ruling regime intuitively feels restoration trend and tries to limit it in sphere of superficial simulations. But this travestism just betrays its inadequacy to main foundations of the country.

But adequate regime shall restore traditional circuit of value transfers and, by that, return vitality and historical prospect to society.

About the latter, in social aspect I see it as dialectic balance of equality and inequality and conservatism and innovations in human society and in scientific and technical aspect as attaining of controllability of thermo-nuclear synthesis and development of thermo-nuclear energetics on what basis it is only possible to develop stable, balanced and progressing social and economic system.

Soviet system gave priority to controllable and equable development and homogeneity of relations of   production in all spheres of economy and corresponding homogeneity of superstructure relations (culture, ideology. politics and so on) namely to formational (in Marxist sense) homogeneity.

By force of series of reasons analyzed above and first of all of resources limitations and damping of scientific and technical progress this homogeneity, being in substance instrument of resources mobilization in the course of opposition to the West, turns into shackles for society, cuts off its abilities to manoeuvre and drastically increases cost of the system transformation - it was necessary to reform all the system, so integrity became weakness of the system.

Future statecraft, I hope, take this fact into account.

On present days level of development of productive forces only stable establishment of society can be heterogeneity.

It seems to be optimal to divide economic complex into three sectors: infrastructure, businesses and innovations accordingly types of relations of production and ownership.

As Infrastructure we should consider branches with high organic compound of capital whose functioning and development locate them out of oriented on profit (fell with growth of capital intensivity) market relations and must be realized  in accordance with national programs and priorities on the basis of state property,

Businesses are economic agents with lower organic compound of capital than infrastructure has, what allows to make profit, considering it as main aim of activity (in socially acceptable forms), and to be in market relations. To these forms of activity based on private property we can refer enterprises of small and middle business, trade, services and, what should be especially stressed, managing by infrastructure branches what correlates with idea of rental enterprises of Gorbachev's epoch. Such management should be realized on competitive basis and within state programs. To this category I could also refer implementation of attested as usable and profitable innovations.

In innovations sphere can not be effective either plan or market mechanisms because of system character of risk which this activity is based on. Just this factor segregate it as distinct form of economic activity. We can refer here applied science and invention activity, elaboration of new solutions in marketing and management, making and promotion of new kinds of goods and services, professional sport, commercial activity in sphere of culture  including area of intellectual property and perhaps some part of show business, namely those kinds of activity where we have critical significance of risk as system factor, personal factor and financing from external (relatively this activity) sources. On the contemporary West these factors are integrated by venture capital squeezing creative activity into capitalist shape. Here questions of applicable business technologies (search of investments, expertise of projects, analysis of potential effectiveness, control over resources and distribution of results) prevails questions of property which becomes complex, multifactor phenomenon.

It seems different economic sectors will be maintained by different social modes.

In the first case we have ethical collectivist oriented model of duty and state serving based on psychology and values of stable and predictable world (public sector) and paternalist functions of state.

In the second case we have more individualist oriented model of pursuing private interests and their harmonization with social ones in form of ethics of orderliness, state loyalty and social responsibility based on understanding that business is not unique activity (as it seems to entrepreneur and apologists of capitalism) and not panacea from all social disease but first and foremost it is exploitation of present resources (from raw materials to payable demand) in stable forms of business behavior namely standard social technology oriented on replaceable (within some human area) personality. This personality (or rather social role) is essentially not creator (combination of innovations and business practice is proper to transitional periods but in stationary periods phenomenon of Henry Ford is rather exclusion) but buyer of social resources under determined by society conditions.

In third case we should wait bright individualist ethics of personal success and self-realization.

Of course, to be balanced and maintain social and economic modes complementary this system needs strong state authority and (perhaps in first) powerful all-national ideology or - more likely - national religious idea without which these so different modes of activity and mentality could not bring to light their unity and create harmonic integrity.

Part of state and ideological sources will be important also in solving of another problem - making stable configuration of equality and inequality in society.

Soviet socialism used raw materials resources of the USSR to maintain social and economic system oriented on total actual equality. Each member of socium could pretend to about equal and limited set of material benefits without clear reference to personal efforts.

That system was unstable but possibly most human in mankind history.

Capitalist system establishes another correspondence between above mentioned aspects of human being.

Equality is displaced to sphere of civil formalism but in real life there is domination of inequality which is more and more determined by inequality of entry conditions.

Such system also seems to be corruption of human nature what is the more clear the more distinct coming collapse of the system.

I suppose Russia should find new mode of social dialectics.

Equality on my opinion should be established in sphere of entry conditions formation, in childhood and juvenility while adult individuals should accept reality of unequal social and economic positions.

Being complement effective channels of vertical social mobility, this model of social organization could - in prospect, in the course of depleting  of present model - acquire wide social support and confidence.

Thus I see Russian future in economic aspect as restoration of system of financing of heavy industry sector of economy on account of raw materials one and formation of flexible heterogeneous economy and in social aspect as  symbiosis of essentially different but mutually complementary social patterns penetrated by measures (system of measures) directed to formation of equal entry conditions for teenagers from all social strata (extremely speaking equalization of children), including grand scale investments in childhood.

Despite very uncommon, this thought seems to be more attractive then restoration of estate order having not small chances to be actualized as measure of suppression of consumerism, wishful thinking and hunger of success at any cost what is ground of contemporary society and at the same time is the reason of its dying.

Time will tell how real proposed alternative is.



Part 19

Reformism or World War


In conclusion I would like to return to part 14 "Disintegration of capitalism" to newly discuss prospects  of reforming of contemporary capitalist system because without consideration of this question analysis of its present state would be incomplete.

Of course this consideration is very conventional but it must be done from standpoint of both realistic approach and humanism because it looks obvious that collapse of all the system of present world order would lead to both humanitarian catastrophe of grand scale and high probability of regressive social and cultural forms establishing.

For the survival (exactly speaking - pause) one important fact tells, namely notwithstanding many authoritative predictions economy of the USA and Europe is still afloat despite high oil price - about 2 times more than level under which one predicted economic collapse. Thus the West is still demonstrating oil shock adaptation despite back side will be further growth of crisis phenomena (unemployment, evasion of production, budget deficit etc.).

And despite to make final balance is still early, we can suppose there is reserve for survival of the Western system, namely resource of cheap Asian labour and global economy demand for the American dollars (under conditio sine qua non of leading central banks cartel on its maintaining).

In other words, factor of cheap labour overcomes factor of expensive oil.

It will not last too long, and growth of oil price has tendency to go on, but we see anyway some adaptivity of capitalist system to very serious impact.

Question is how to use the stamina which capitalism, standing on the edge of downfall, still has.

I suppose Marx answered this question yet 150 years ago.

Analyzing the Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall Marx pointed out some important counteracting factors.

Today most significant factors are foreign trade and one called by Marx "increasing of stock capital".


Foreign trade.

Role of foreign trade is dual. At first it is source of additional surplus value becoming now existential basis of capitalist system and at second it is source of cheap raw materials making expenses lower and increasing rate of profit.

Additional surplus value is not still problem for global capitalist system. China is still ready to be "world forge". So are another Asian countries if the West denied notorious "nation building".

Problem of raw materials prices slashing is not so simple. Here the West faces both system and situational  (geopolitical) factors.

Main factor is the Law of Value.

In the course of technological progress objective tendency of price development is lowering of finished products prices relatively ones of raw materials because resources of the latter are limited. But Western economy elaborated mechanism of counteraction, namely "price scissors" which is marketable-like (but actually exogenous) mechanism of overpricing of land leading to overpricing of real estates and increasing of wages and costs what allows to redistribute world income to the good of the West.

Such disparity expresses civilization superiority of the center of world capitalist system over its periphery. It is composed of technological and military superiority and image-making.

Since Iraq campaign the West lost its military superiority independently on its admission of this fact.

On the background of military crash image-making becomes more and more difficult - to push dead glamour, style and sanctimonious oblations is impossible.

Only one rests - technological leadership.

It is only factor to lower oil price under conditio sine qua non it will be merchandise not only panel.

So it is necessary to go from marketable oil price, when in the situation of military lack the Law of Value would break brittle image phantoms and drown the West in overexpensive oil, to one regulated by agreements between main suppliers and largest consumers, such as USA, EU, China, India etc. Main items of such agreements could be, from the one hand, oil prices lowering up to mutually acceptable level and, from the other hand, admission of oil exporters to the Western high technologies.

Who would be partner of the West in such agreement?

Now main source of oil is Near East.

But this region looks like powder keg but not like stable supplier.

Arab hate to Israel and uprise of Islamic extremism make impossible any regional settlement and senseless all agreements.

But this situation is result of deficiency of effective regional center of power which would be able to maintain stability and order.

Saudis dynasty, having played this role in 60-th - 90-th of XX century, is now played out and degenerating under load of contradictions of comprador course. Sharp (more than half of employable population) growth of amount of people having no education or profession, treble fall of level of living of majority not employed in services for elitarian consumption and 70% mass of men younger 27 years old give this dynasty too small chance to survive in middle-term outlook.

The rest of Arabian world, including most powerful - Egypt, are in worse position.

Thus we can state historical catastrophe of Arabs, its civilization inadequacy to contemporary world (which itself is not very reasonable) what is oftenly ascribed to all Islam despite cases of Turkey, Pakistan and Iran.

Latter country is worth more careful consideration.

Just this country should become regional leader.

Iran is country which is pretty developed in the region, has old and strong etatist tradition and Islamic what allows to become vanguard of religious aspirations in region.

Of course, it is a problem that Iran confesses Shia version of Islam while arabs are sunnits but it seems not to be too important in dialogue of the region with the West.

Liquidation of Saudi Arabia and Emirates of Gulf, partition of Iraq and assigning of all oilfields to Iran and dialogue with this country on the position of alliance and partnership could allow to realize oil agreement.

Besides that so grand scale reshaping of the region could let to solve another old problem - recognition of Israel and its borders

Whichever attitude to Israeli pretensions on its historical territories one would have, it should be obvious that without satisfaction of these aspirations, rooting deeply inside collective mind, there will be no peace on Near East. One should give way. It is clear it must be the side that lost struggle for stability of  and control over region.

Moreover there are some historical reasons that allow to suppose Iran could accept above solution of Near East conflict. I mean its old contest with Arabian world since Arab conquest of Iran in VII century ruining ancient state, original culture and mass of population.

And this contest has never faded away, having determined opposed to Arabs Shia faith. Islamic revolution lined Iran up with most hard enemies of Israel but this combination emerged from anti-Western, anti-American position of Iran and pro-Israeli position of the USA despite from both geopolitical and historical standpoints Iran actually fights the Arab fight which only by historical accident got religious coloration.

And despite Iran is religious country but in not less degree it is etatist one which could in exchange on such serious geopolitical rise recognize Israel within its Biblical borders what allows to liquidate main source of regional conflict.


Regulation and nationalization.

Next complex of problems is grouped around necessity of return from liberalization to regulation and nationalization both in country and in global scale.

Conceptual basis of nationalization is briefly and rather fuzzily developed in  vol. III of the "Capital" Chapter 14, part VI "The increase of stock capital".

That time the question was very far from topicality but became topical in the Great Britain immediately after the Second World war as losing colonies and excess profits Labor Government put into effect grand scale nationalization of some lines of infrastructure and industry.

Nationalization allows to exclude business lines of high organic composition of capital from equation of average profit rate (because nationalized lines get minimal, directively determined profit rate which is less than average) what prevents transfer there of value from another lines with lower composition and increases average profit rate and effectiveness of capitalist economy.

Developing this approach we come to multisector model of economy described in previous part but it is farther prospect. In the near future government should nationalize oil corporations whose price policy would break system before Iraqi rebels.

Regulation is dictated by reality of global market.

Now key factor of this market is unreasonable pretensions of decaying West what leads world economy to chaos. Expropriation of local elites, growth of pauperism on periphery of capitalist system, marginalization of whole countries and regions is consequences of Washington consensus which is just mechanism of global capital dictate. It is clear global trade and market must include some compensation and protection mechanisms limiting exploitation of material and human resources of peripheral countries.

One more aspect of present global economy is the problem of global currency nationality (the American dollar) and its coexistence with European currency which is potential expectant of this status. This contradiction will be finished with collapse of global financial and next - economic system or merging of both currencies. Just the latter way should be forced by reformers of global economic order.

Unification of the American Federal Reserve and European Central bank into one issuing center probably could be breakthrough in stabilization of global finances laden with hyperinflationary potential of the American dollar unregulated (misregulated) issuing of which became main problem of the global economy.

At last it must be said about growth of the spread between developed and developing countries.

The spread between center and periphery of global capitalist system, as it was shown part 5 of present work, is main existence condition of the system. At the same time this spread must be regulated and ensuring to peripheral countries stable economic and technological development what seems to be more important than measures against poverty.

All these measures, of course, are scarcely possible under present American administration, nature of which was pointed out in part 12 of this work, but global capital can use at least some of them to get out of control of Republican administration which seems not to be going to step back in near future. Creation of supernational regulating structures is only way for this force to keep position of the master of the world capitalist system.

Marx wrote "True limit of capitalist production is capital itself".

Looking at essential aspect of Capital we can say that its only saving is inside itself. Namely it lies in its ability to use sources of integration balancing opposite ones (disintegration).

If it would be able to transform its essence that way, we could suppose capitalist system gets one more historical pause or even stage of development.


World war.

But there is another scenario in present critical situation.

It is postmodernist version of the world war.

All problems which are uneasy, expensive or impossible to solve by negotiations can be offered to solve by establishing of global military dictatorship of the USA masked under global antiterrorist war alternated with active military attacks on "outlaw-countries".

Then there is hope to lower oil price, to narrow euro within European Union or maybe to liquidate it at all, to maintain debts pyramid and decrease inflationary potential of Dollar by actual broadening of the sovereignty of the USA beyond its borders under conditions of war-time what would give additional security for dollar mass in form of material valuables of not only USA but also its allies and constrained to support this show countries.

Then it would be possible to suppress ecological, left and antiglobalist movements and any anti-American activity as supporting terrorism. Then it could allow to reformat the world without any serious opposition and to liquidate comprador elites whose service looks too expensive and position seems to be too unstable for America.

American administration being viced in grip by its foes can choose to stand on this way in hope by military expansion to solve internal contradictions which could not be done directly - by negotiation or power pressure.

But this is catastrophic way especially taking into account temper of internal enemy.

America of present days would not win even theatricalized version of world war.

And way from containment of Communism to containment of humankind will be finished with its inevitable ruination.



Ruslan А. Saburov


May 27, 2004      September 26, 2005

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